Wasserman Schultz Involved in Police Altercation Outside Voting Precinct

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Democrats, apparently, don't have to obey the law.

From the article:

A group of sign-waving campaign ralliers comprised of both Democrat and Republican supporters outside an Aventura, Florida polling location witnessed Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz get involved in a heated altercation with an Aventura policeman after she apparently took issue with his request to not engage in campaign activities in the street which would hold up oncoming traffic.

She listened to the police officer’s respectful and reasonable request, but Wasserman Schultz continued to argue with the police officer, according to several people who witnessed the incident.

Wasserman Schultz was greeting voters and waiving her campaign signs on a street leading into the polling site and was obstructing traffic by stopping cars before they could even enter the parking area.

The police officer respectfully asked Wasserman Schultz to move onto the sidewalk as everyone else was required to do, but the Congresswoman was unhappy with not being able to campaign how she saw fit. Unnerved by the simple request from a police officer, Wasserman Schultz made a “well placed” phone call to some unknown individual in a position of authority. Five minutes later, the Aventura City Mayor came to the scene and was confronted by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and proceeded to get an earful from her as well.

Wasserman Schultz stayed about 20 minutes before she left the scene with the six or so supporters she brought with her. After the congresswoman left, one of the Democrat supporters who witnessed the whole incident confronted the Mayor and told him that what she did was “extremely inappropriate” for her to berate him in the manner she did.

This altercation is just a few days removed from an earlier incident in which the congresswoman took issue with a Democrat voter who refused to campaign and support her and instead supported her Republican congressional opponent Karen Harrington.

This is Democrat Party leadership.


Show me where Republicans or Libertarians behave like this, and I will oppose them, as well. I just haven't seen any stories like this involving them.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Isn't she the "Baghdad Bob" of the Democratic Party?

I knew she was up to something when I turned on the facet this morning and blood came out.
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tttalinky's Avatar
This is what Missss Schultz will look like after King Obama loses next Tuesday!

tttalinky's Avatar
Dali, she doesn't look Thai.
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  • Seedy
  • 11-01-2012, 01:30 AM
Dali, she doesn't look Thai. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Gnad, that is total disrespect , of any , and all Thai gals. That piece of shit cunt , needs both eyes ripped out and skull fucked.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-01-2012, 05:46 AM

Show me where Republicans or Libertarians behave like this, and I will oppose them, as well. I just haven't seen any stories like this involving them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
How about this Jim Crow like voter ID laws you stupidoldSOB.

How about the assholes in Fl not allowing votes on the Sunday before the Tuesday election. A day that traditionally black voters go to the polls and vote after church.

Pull your head out of your ass and open your shit stained eyes. This is massive voter abuse. Wow Debbie talked bad to some Cop. The Fl GOP is disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of black voters and you bring up the Wasserman thing.

Yea you and Fox are Fair and Balanced. ....More like Fairy and FullofShit


The Florida laws have also drawn the ire of labor and minority groups that say the laws are an assault on black and Latino voters. Prior to the 2008 presidential election, many churches held so-called Souls to the Polls campaigns, in which ministers caravanned with congregants to polling places on the Sunday before Election Day. But under the new laws, early voting on that Sunday has been eliminated.
the right wingeers think she is hot,and they would do her.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Wow an atheist supporting people going to church.....the irony never ends.
How about this Jim Crow like voter ID laws you stupidoldSOB.

. Originally Posted by WTF

those were democrats you ignoramus
Among the annals of, well not freedom and well not liberty, but maybe control, yes thats it..our rallying cry CONTROL OF ALL

the 2008 Philly Black Panther truncheon peace rally and voter protection assemblage

the OWS

and now in the long line of stirring moments that changed america:

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (is she the wasserman or the schultz?, probably the wasserman), to prevent voter suppression and to become a martyr for all that is righteous
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-01-2012, 06:33 AM
Wow an atheist supporting people going to church.....the irony never ends. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
More like an atheist supporting people's right to go to church and afterward being able to vote.