Africa Addio: Caution! Watch At Your Own Risk.

bojulay's Avatar
The infamous documentary about the breakdown and overthrow
of the government in Africa in the early 60s

Without making any racial judgments and viewed objectively
it is a lesson for those who don't think such things can happen.

At 1:01:00 in starts one of the most horrifying sequences ever filmed.
There was a turning against the Arab people by a group that took
over in a certain region and they slaughtered the Arab people.

You see long lines of people being marched on their way to execution,
large groups guarded and waiting to be executed, and a large group
of people trying to flee to a few waiting boats by the sea shore only
to be gunned down. The poor Arabs had no guns themselves and
no way to defend themselves. All this footage is shot from a helicopter.

Also the animals in the game preserves were no longer protected
and it shows the wholesale slaughter of them.

Again, watch at your own risk.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The scholars of Africa would like to pretend that this doesn't exist. One colleague has told me that everything would have been great in Africa if not for the US. Not the west, not the Soviets, but the US! She used Somlia as an example of our interferece and all the things we did to the Somali. I told here that I was in Mogadishu, twice....she stopped talking and walked away. I have heard that she does not like veterans in her classes and some vets have said the same.

Notice the lack of response by Bill Clinton in the 1990s. The democrats circled the wagons and ignored the outcome.

When colonialism ended in the early 1960s some countries in Africa had a chance but the gamemanship between the US and the Soviet doomed many of them. We supported people who got rid of people that were allied with the Soviets and they did the same to our people. The people who ended up in charge were the strong men who played both sides. For you non-readers I recommend the movie Lumumba (and if you really care rather than just want to complain). You will learn something and, more importantly for you, you will be entertained.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I'm confused by Corneyhole - again. Not really, but the thread and link is about something that happened to the "government of Africa," whatever the hell that is, in the 1960s and Tiara-for-Brains is hopping on something The Slick One did in the 1990s.

Teawipe "stream of consciousness," I guess. Or more floor stripper fumes escaping.
bojulay's Avatar
Randy4LadyBoys can't see the forest for the trees again, has his mind clouded by
other things.

It's an (in living technicolor) example of what can happen to a country when
there is a break down of an existing government and anarchy takes over.

You can see that it doesn't take long for chaos to rule.

You can see what happened to the Arab people who had no guns
and no way of defending themselves against a new government that
decided they all needed to die. Thousands were slaughtered
by a few hundred who had guns.

Just a little something for the (It can never happen here) crowed.
Randy4LadyBoys can't see the forest for the trees again, has his mind clouded by
other things.

It's an (in living technicolor) example of what can happen to a country when
there is a break down of an existing government and anarchy takes over.

You can see that it doesn't take long for chaos to rule.

You can see what happened to the Arab people who had no guns
and no way of defending themselves against a new government that
decided they all needed to die. Thousands were slaughtered
by a few hundred who had guns.

Just a little something for the (It can never happen here) crowed. Originally Posted by bojulay
Thanks Bo. Watching that was better than reading Obitchables cry...
Randy4LadyBoys can't see the forest for the trees again, has his mind clouded by
other things.

It's an (in living technicolor) example of what can happen to a country when
there is a break down of an existing government and anarchy takes over.

You can see that it doesn't take long for chaos to rule.

You can see what happened to the Arab people who had no guns
and no way of defending themselves against a new government that
decided they all needed to die. Thousands were slaughtered
by a few hundred who had guns.

Just a little something for the (It can never happen here) crowed. Originally Posted by bojulay
That was a realistic account of what could happen in any country including ours. Understand that CandyassRandy and others like him are only here to distrupt. They contribute virtually nothing to this board other than ridicule and insults. They have invested so much time and useless energy in supporting this administration that they have nothing else. When they see videos such as this one it radiates fear that something could happen to shatter their confidence in their present political world view.
bojulay's Avatar
Even if you don't watch the whole film start at 01:01:00 in
and see what can happen to people that have no weapons
to defend themselves against a tyrannical government.
joe bloe's Avatar
The scholars of Africa would like to pretend that this doesn't exist. One colleague has told me that everything would have been great in Africa if not for the US. Not the west, not the Soviets, but the US! She used Somlia as an example of our interferece and all the things we did to the Somali. I told here that I was in Mogadishu, twice....she stopped talking and walked away. I have heard that she does not like veterans in her classes and some vets have said the same.

Notice the lack of response by Bill Clinton in the 1990s. The democrats circled the wagons and ignored the outcome.

When colonialism ended in the early 1960s some countries in Africa had a chance but the gamemanship between the US and the Soviet doomed many of them. We supported people who got rid of people that were allied with the Soviets and they did the same to our people. The people who ended up in charge were the strong men who played both sides. For you non-readers I recommend the movie Lumumba (and if you really care rather than just want to complain). You will learn something and, more importantly for you, you will be entertained. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
"Hotel Rwanda" is also an excellent movie about genocide and the effects of colonialism on Africa.