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lostintexas's Avatar
Ass or Boobs
Legs or Stomach
crazy or simple

just curious what or how i look at women and how they perceive what we look at or want.

wondering what is the best way to get into the hobby. obviously new to it and trying to figure out how i fit in. Wish i had the funds of some of the legends, SiXX, CJ, and many others. would love to meet more people of the hobby.
You left out two other options:

Vagina or Ass?

Heartbeat or Heartbeat optional?

JK...I hope some guys answer this, I'm curious about what their replies might be!
lostintexas's Avatar

for me at least the heart beat is optional, but a good fourth option for discussion
All of the above????
Britttany_love's Avatar
The best way to get in and get your feet wet is by seeing a newbie friendly provider here. I know there are a few here in austin with great reputations that do a great job and breaking in the newbies. I always recommend Busty Betzi as she has a stellar reputation and even better reviews.. plus shes as really nice girl.
lostintexas's Avatar
Thank you Brittany for the advice. Heartbeat is a necessity, but I am curious what others look for?
sixxbach's Avatar
Ass or Boobs
Legs or Stomach
crazy or simple

just curious what or how i look at women and how they perceive what we look at or want.

wondering what is the best way to get into the hobby. obviously new to it and trying to figure out how i fit in. Wish i had the funds of some of the legends, SiXX, CJ, and many others. would love to meet more people of the hobby. Originally Posted by lostintexas

Oh wow, thanks for the praise. I wish I my funds were great but I make do with what I have.

You can start out with newbie friendly providers. Take a look at the ads and they will identify themselves with their sig line. It might not be a bad idea to get a P411 account. That will help also with traveling gals, which we have through Austin all the time.

In my personal life, I am a sucker for beautiful eyes. I had the pleasure of dating a gal for a brief period of time who has the sexiest eyes I have ever seen. In my hobby life, I like a nice round little ass and C size breasts. There are always exceptions of course

Ass or Boobs Originally Posted by lostintexas
Yes; I've always been a boobs man, it took me a while to appreciate a fine ass.

Legs or Stomach Originally Posted by lostintexas

Yes; it took me a while to appreciate fine legs, too. I guess I was just too focused on boobs. The curve of a woman's back can be incredibly sexy, also.

Vagina or Ass? Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine

crazy or simple Originally Posted by lostintexas

Uh, particularly if you are new to the hobby, start with simple, you can work up to crazy and have a great time doing it.

And I'm with Sixx on eyes. Sparkling eyes can mesmerize. Oh look, I'm a poet.
Whispers's Avatar
I was an ass man for almost 38 years.....

If it wasn't happening "between the Navel and the Knees"..... I had little interest.....

Now I share by bed and a lot of my time with a couple of ladies with boobs... really nice cleavage and I have to admit that it has grown in me.....

Maybe I'll turn into a TOAS guys....
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 01-04-2012, 07:29 PM
wondering what is the best way to get into the hobby. obviously new to it and trying to figure out how i fit in. Wish i had the funds of some of the legends, SiXX, CJ, and many others Originally Posted by lostintexas
When I started hobbying, it was probably only once every month or two. Literally spent hours reading ads and reviews and posts to make sure I wasn't going to be wasting my money on someone I wasn't going to click with.

As you get more comfortable in our little hobby world (and as your discretionary income increases) you will find it easier... and one day you may end up in that list yourself!

would love to meet more people of the hobby. Originally Posted by lostintexas
Keep an eye out for notices of luncheons and socials. It's a great way to meet your fellow hobbyists and to meet some ladies.

Maybe I'll turn into a TOAS guys.... Originally Posted by Whispers
I'm seeing one of those tomorrow morning before lunch!

cckid2006's Avatar

Vagina for me

You left out two other options:

Vagina or Ass?

Heartbeat or Heartbeat optional?

JK...I hope some guys answer this, I'm curious about what their replies might be! Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine
Find a "newbie" friendly provider like myself or a few others on here may just work for you.




lostintexas's Avatar
thanks rosie,

still wondering from the ladies about other thoughts, i know most will say they will do most things but what do you enjoy...or do you?
thanks rosie,

still wondering from the ladies about other thoughts, i know most will say they will do most things but what do you enjoy...or do you? Originally Posted by lostintexas
not to many ladies here truly enjoy pleasing men,,a large majority are simply here for the $$$$, no more, no less

all we are is a means to an end
Well Then I GUESS That I Am A 1%er BECAUSE

I TRULY GET A THRILL From Pleasing A Man!!!!!

Guess It Is The COURTESAN - That I NATURALLY AM!!!!!



