TheLiberal-Left: Listen To What they Say, But WARTCH what they do.

ICU 812's Avatar
There is an old saying: "Listen to what they say but pay attention to what they do." . . .or something like that.

More and more I am coming to understand that the libera-left will accuse conservatives of doing something, be it voter fraud or discrimination (*just whatever) while they are actually doing it. It is a bit like the magician flourishing hs hand to get us all looking one way while pulling something from his pocket.

And so it is with this so-called "replacement theory". The liberal-left has been encouraging and facilitating people from all over the world to walk in from Mexico since at least the 1980s. They convinced President Reagan to go along with an amnisty for those on the promis of really closing the border. They passed the amnesty but left the border wide open.

Today, there is a torrent of people from all over the world read and waiting to come in on the expectation of legal entry. Just as many are not waiting but coming over without any real consequences. The liberal-left encourages, facilitates and welcomes them without regard for who they are, where tey are fromor what their prospects are for strengthen our society . . .or even if theyactivly wish to do us harm.

Replacement "theory"? The liberal-left has openly and loudly promoted te idea that anyone who wants to be a citizen should (Shazam!) be made a citizen with full voting rights. In California, non-citizens will soon be allowed to vote in local elections.

Replacement Theory? Call it whatever you want, but watch what they do.
bambino's Avatar
texassapper's Avatar
Libtards are all about projection. Anytime they accuse Conservatives of anything it's because they are probably in the midst of doing it themselves.

Communists aren't smart. Devious? Yes, but not smart.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You’re jerking off, JL.

(See, you’re right about something…)


Oh, and calling the opposition “Communists” is so fucking schoolyard, LOL, you gottz no skills, JL.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dear OP,

You didn’t provide any link to WARTCH.

I WARSH my hands of your STOOPID notion.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Can you cite the site guidelines that a post must include a link? If so, then you can RTM the OP.
Dear OP,

You didn’t provide any link to WARTCH.

I WARSH my hands of your STOOPID notion. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Just like Hillary, whatever she accuses you of, she's doing.