Ron Johnson threatens subpoena over Hunter Biden's Ukraine work

  • oeb11
  • 03-02-2020, 03:22 PM
A key senator is threatening to issue a subpoena for records related to former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter and his work for a Ukrainian energy firm — the most significant escalation yet in an investigation that has divided Senate Republicans.
In a letter obtained by POLITICO, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) told members of the panel that he will soon schedule a business meeting to vote on a subpoena for the documents, which are purportedly related to Hunter Biden’s role on the board of the Ukrainian firm, Burisma.

The subpoena seeks records from Blue Star, a Democratic public affairs firm. In his letter to committee members, Johnson cited government documents indicating that the firm “sought to leverage Hunter Biden’s role as a board member of Burisma to gain access to, and potentially influence matters at, the State Department.”
If issued, the subpoena would be the first as part of the panel’s joint conflict-of-interest investigation with the Senate Finance Committee. It also comes on the heels of Biden’s landslide victory in the South Carolina primary on Saturday, and ahead of several Super Tuesday contests that could shape the trajectory of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
President Donald Trump was impeached in December for allegedly pressuring the Ukrainian government to investigate the Bidens over similar allegations that the Senate committees are probing. The Senate acquitted Trump last month on a mostly party-line vote.
In his letter, Johnson said Michigan Sen. Gary Peters, the committee’s top Democrat, had objected to the subpoena in separate correspondence. Democrats have said there is no evidence to buttress the allegations that Biden or his son did anything wrong related to Hunter’s role on the board of Burisma.
Peters said he was “concerned that the United States Senate and this committee could be used to further disinformation efforts by Russian or other actors.” He also demanded that the committee receive “defensive briefings” from the U.S. intelligence community about the information the panel receives as part of the probe.
Indeed, some Republican senators have expressed similar concerns — both privately and publicly.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has said senators should “take very cautiously anything coming out of the Ukraine against anybody.”
And in December, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) met privately with Johnson and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the Finance Committee chairman, to express similar concerns about the Senate’s Biden investigation, saying it could aid Russia’s efforts to sow chaos in American politics.
In his letter, Johnson said the report about his meeting with Burr was “inaccurate” but said he could not discuss the substance of any discussions he had in a classified setting.
“Apparently, some here in Congress believe they are above the law when they publicize the fact of a meeting and purported details of conversations that took occurred in a classified setting,” Johnson wrote.
Johnson said Blue Star and one of its former consultants, Andrii Telizhenko, provided some documents to the committee, but added that Telizhenko was barred from turning over some of the information due to his non-disclosure agreement with Blue Star.
“Blocking the receipt of relevant records, and any committee member voting against this subpoena would be doing, only heightens the risks of ‘disinformation’ because the committee would not have access to all pertinent information,” Johnson wrote.
Telizhenko, who has made unsubstantiated allegations of coordination between the Democratic National Committee and the Ukrainian government in 2016, met with Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani earlier this year to discuss “Ukrainian collusion” with Democrats during the election.
Johnson pledged to go “to great lengths” to verify the information the committee receives.

Not only is H....getting subpoenaed, but Hunter Biden.

No wonder the fascist DPST 's and their LSM is all in a snit with their knickers in a bunch.

Terrifying to be on the other side of their "investigations" - and they should be.

Taking out H... and Biden as the only two viable Fascist DPST candidates to Bolshevik Bernie - and the party is left with only - Bolshevik Bernie to nominate.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-02-2020, 03:44 PM
I hope it knocks Joe Biden out of the race and Bloomberg kicks the living shit out of Bernie and then Trump in November!

Bloomberg's plan could work out nicely.
the dimocrats are split

its been a piece meal coalition bound with various baling wire promises to keep special interests together for a long time

and its only gotten worse

their divisions ripe and full

the bernie bros are not interested at all in bloomie or biden

the dims only unifying theme is trump hate

i find it difficult to not think that the divisions will separate and fracture should any of the dims become the party's nominee

and in that regard. bloomberg has scant chance against trump
rexdutchman's Avatar
Right "oh no mr bill"
HoeHummer's Avatar

When in doubt...

I hope it knocks Joe Biden out of the race and Bloomberg kicks the living shit out of Bernie and then Trump in November!

Bloomberg's plan could work out nicely. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-03-2020, 09:13 AM
Bloomberg.... Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I thought you put me on ignore Honey Pie....

They say the first thing to go is your memory but I think it's your tits!

bambino's Avatar
I hope it knocks Joe Biden out of the race and Bloomberg kicks the living shit out of Bernie and then Trump in November!

Bloomberg's plan could work out nicely. Originally Posted by WTF
Bloomberg’s calling card is “stop and frisk” “just throw them against the wall and frisk them”!!!!!!! Blacks and Latinos won’t be lining up to vote for that arrogant, racist little prick you moron.
  • oeb11
  • 03-03-2020, 10:34 AM
ftw's hero bernie will be the putative nominee - until H.... hijacks the Fascist DPST convention and makes itself the nominee for 2020 - Re-match!!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Bloomberg will stay in no matter what happens today if I'm reading this right. He figures if he can just get to a second ballot at the convention, the Supers will put him on the ticket in favor of Bernie or Biden and what would that do to the Democrat party. BOOM!
  • oeb11
  • 03-03-2020, 11:43 AM
Bloomie may well be thinking that - but he is , ultimately, a Republican, and the fascist DPST's look at him like leavings of their SF and LA supporters in the streets and sidewalks.

The party elite will not permit him the POTUS nomination.

They want his money - that i s all.

H... is positioning herself for the second ballot nomination.
HoeHummer's Avatar

Give your balls a tug, oebsy.

Clinton isn’t coming back. But maybe Obama’s is!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
could the news for the newly minted DemonRat front runner shitturd Corn Pop FrankenBiden get any worse?

exactly what he didn't want. he emerges as "the savior" to Evil Lord Trump only to have to put a mob hit on his bastard ass son!

Yep! Hunter Biden will die shortly from a .357 Mag brain tumor. this is how low Corn Pop FrankenBiden will go. He'll off his own bastard progeny to run for office.

and as senile as he is now .. he wouldn't even know he has a son left. wouldn't miss him at all. wouldn't know him if he walked past him on the street.

butt he'll creep up on that hot South African "widow" and rub her shoulders and say ...

"Hey there, baby!"

rexdutchman's Avatar
accident again