Pay for Performance: Pay for Play or F(l)ake
Pay for performance is the "buzzword" in the business world today. We see it as consumers or read about it almost everyday. So, here in the hobby, this has always been a pay for play type of situation.
Based on this, how do you rank your current experiences (as in life, we constantly hear/read "good 'ole days" versus now).
So, Hobbyists (male/female), vote and/or reply but how would you rank your overall experiences these days with providers (have you been on a string of "3"s, for ex). Providers, where do you see yourself fitting in too! And, do you care?
For providers who don't care, please share. For those who care what experience the hobbyist feels and also expected, both pleasant and otherwise, are you surprised at the responses you get?
1. Really Enjoys What She Does, and It Shows! (“REPEAT” definitely)
2. Enjoys Pleasing, but More Busines Like...(“MAY see her again”)
3. Does What She's Supposed to Do, yawn.("BOOTY call")
4. She Really Is Not into It...Hell, I got mine!(will see when at my LOWEST)
5. That's Fucked Up, Step Up or Stop Hobbying!(what a WASTE of beauty)
Anyone come across a provider who is such a "Freak" even for our standards, that you're concerned for yours and her welfare. This would be a NEVER repeat. Or, have you had that "This B_ _ _ _ is crazy" experience lately?
I've been on a great run and I must say, majority have been"1"s lately, with one "2", due to a great combo of ECCIE/P411 research and taking a few risks that panned out all except 1 (she was a "5").
IMHO, "1"s and "2"s are what the hobby is all about..."3"s-"5"s you can get in real-life but pay for it here??? However, "3"s-"5"s become an option because someone will pay for it, or, the price is right, or, you still don't have the strings attached as you do in real-life.
Hobby safely!