Question for Shreveport

Hello Shreveport,
I just wanted to step up and say hello, my sister Wynter has told me wonderful things about your city and I thought that I would put out some of my latest images and see which ones I should start using in my next ad. I’m new to the hobby and can always use the advice, tell me which ones are your favorites. Maybe you even have a few ideas for my next photo shoot?

MuffinMan's Avatar
Autumn, I like all of them! The last two are just right on the timing because we are in the middle of Mardi Gras. S'port's biggest parade is next Saturday Feb 6th starting from the riverfront by the casinos at 4:00 p.m.
BTW...not sure which piercing I would like better: Your barbells or your sister's hood! lol
clarkkentglasses's Avatar
shit, i cant tell which season i like better!
I think they are all pretty damned hot.
I am dying to see NOLA around Mardi Gras time, I've heard it's an absolute zoo but definitely something to put on your 'bucket list'. Muffy, who says you have to decide? You could have the best of both worlds. One melts in your mouth, the other in your hand... like M & M's.
klassykallie's Avatar
They are all great! I must admit I was looking at the last two so long my comp screen went to screen saver, LOL!


I'll be sure and tell her that she's admired. She does love the ladies. It's a shame that she has so few reviews, the funny thing is that everyone is refusing to write reviews for her because they want her all to themselves. Selfish beasts! I bet if a few solid review writers would step up she'd be glad to offer them a discounted donation on their appointment as long as they promised to review her after.