The Secret of Swiss Success Is Decentralization

This article by Daniel J. Mitchell about the government of Switzerland is very good. Their government is run from the bottom up and by the citizens. The citizens actually determine how much the taxes are! It has a video also.
  • DSK
  • 07-05-2016, 10:07 AM
I agree with you, we could learn so much from the Swiss.

Especially on immigration.
This article by Daniel J. Mitchell about the government of Switzerland is very good. Their government is run from the bottom up and by the citizens. The citizens actually determine how much the taxes are! It has a video also. Originally Posted by SassySue
And how many non Swiss minorities live in Switzerland?

We have way too many "dindunuffins", "gimme,gimme,gimmes", and those who "vote for a living" to have any comparable status with a Country like Switzerland.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's the government our Founders wanted, like the article said. We have too much power centralized in Washington. We need to get back to our roots of free markets, individual freedom and personal responsibility.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yes indeed.
The other secret of the Swiss is they are surrounded by a natural defense system and almost never fight in wars.
Their people also own firearms and are trained to use them in defense of their nation so that a standing army is not much need. They have no ports on the water so need for a navy to protect their trade routes.
They once had some of the best bank secrecy laws which protected the individual from the prying eyes of other nations that would take the individuals money.
They are also a much smaller nation in land mass.
You seldom here much about the Swiss unless it is our government harassing them over their banking laws.
  • DSK
  • 07-06-2016, 04:44 PM
Yes indeed.
The other secret of the Swiss is they are surrounded by a natural defense system and almost never fight in wars.
Their people also own firearms and are trained to use them in defense of their nation so that a standing army is not much need. They have no ports on the water so need for a navy to protect their trade routes.
They once had some of the best bank secrecy laws which protected the individual from the prying eyes of other nations that would take the individuals money.
They are also a much smaller nation in land mass.
You seldom here much about the Swiss unless it is our government harassing them over their banking laws. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I believe they charge people to become citizens, too...