"Lynch the Lackey"


Remember all of that shit about her "years of service and integrity".
She confirms why the Senate had it's doubts.

Her true character shines through.


Remember all of that shit about her "years of service and integrity".
She confirms why the Senate had it's doubts.

Her true character shines through.

Lackey. Originally Posted by Jackie S

As I recall the RINOs did not fight a bit on her nomination but it's OK their stunt bumped TRUMP up a couple of points...

TRUMP 2016
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Look for Lynch to be appointed to SCOTUS. No doubt she made a deal.
LexusLover's Avatar
Look for Lynch to be appointed to SCOTUS. No doubt she made a deal. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Hide and watch.

The Clintons will kick her ass to the curb if they win in November.

Remember: "We only talked about the grandkids!"

And Trump won't touch her for emptying waste-paper baskets.

The Democrats will have to take the Senate with a heavy margin to ramrod that deal ...... after Lynch takes the oath to testify .... it'll make the Thomas hearings look like "a walk in the park"!

Please remember ... the "Republicans" aren't the only ones pissed about the Director of the FBI deciding that a person is "Not Guilty"!