whas up with all the upcharge

Greystoke's Avatar
Have not been to Palazio for a while, lots of really hot ladies, but seems like all of them wanted $100 for 3 dances. Not sure this is normail? I know everything has gotten more expensive but geez.

Is this going on at the other clubs?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Not a review, moved from Strip Clubs
Inflation man. These ladies are subject to the same economic pressures as the rest of us. They need to buy things like gas and eggs. If prices stay flat but all their expenses go up, they might as well get a job at Walmart.
raptorvid's Avatar
Palazio has always been pricey though they tend to have a lot more hot women. YMMV and timing is everything as far as good looking ladies, but XTC has been the better ROI.