The Eagle has landed!!!

Haha Hope everyone is doing good!Been a while since I been in the 505. What's the deal I see were all locked up again!! Dang it.
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  • wor
  • 11-16-2020, 11:01 PM
Our fugly troll führer of a governor is out of control!
Our governor is acting responsibly because morons like wor blindly believe the bs coming from the other morons in DC who cannot understand either science or math. I hope they all get COVID and f*&^ing die. The world would be a better place without them
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  • wor
  • 11-17-2020, 10:05 AM
I understand the science and Sweden never had a lockdown or a mandatory mask mandate and yet they have the lowest infection and death rates because they now have “herd immunity.” If you are elderly or have any co-morbidity factors then one should be extra careful. The virus has a 99% survival rate. There may be more people testing positive but the hospitalizations and deaths have flat lined in NM. So you can choose to be an obedient sheep like Funntyme4us or you can live your life. I choose the latter because the pandemic is going to run its course regardless of any actions taken by our dipshit “governor.”
Might not want to tout Sweden too much, they've been spiking like everyone else since early October
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  • wor
  • 11-17-2020, 10:40 AM
But they are better off than any of the European countries that did the total lockdowns.
When the economy which isnt great to begin with here goes to absolute shit you wont "be having a fun time"

Even the liberal WHO says lockdowns are not recommended and does more harm with depression unemployment substance abuse and suicide.
Sweden does not have herd immunity. You need at minimum a 70 to 80 percent infection rate to even consider herd immunity a viable option.

Sweden is now having to initiate major changes to their covid response. They are shutting down portions of their society to slow infection rates.

If you want a proof positive of well managed (nation wide) lock down with comprehensive enforcement. Look to Australia. But they have laws, regulations that allow enforcement coupled with a cohesive message to their constituents.

New Mexico had a very good initial response to covid and initiated lock downs. It was so successful people were moving here. I sold my house to a couple who were here for the "low covid numbers". Our infection rates were among the best in the states.

What happened? Restrictions were lowered, the message has been inconsistent, people are fatigued from being careful and that all culminates to a new spike. Add to that the self righteousness of some who cannot fathom the idea of wearing a mask to preserve the the health of those around them. I have employees who think it's a scam but wear the mask out of regard for their coworkers.

This spike however, is bad. The infection is not the problem. It's being able to receive treatment when you need it. An average person can get over covid. My grandparents just spent three days in the hospital receiving treatment and oxygen. No problem. It's the hospitals being saturated that people then can't get treatment that is going to create a major problem. That's what the shutdown is trying to prevent.

My sister is a nurse in RR on the covid unit. She's depleted. She feel ineffective. She's depressed and exhausted. Health care workers feel there is no end in sight and they are pleading with friends and family members to stay home so they can get some relief.

I know it's a lot but that's just my 2 pennies. Wear the mask. Stay home. If at very minimum you avoided getting or spreading covid.
I know that ECCIE is a more suitable forum to be talking about Swedish Prostitution Model instead of epistemological data about COVID-19 but I got hooked into looking at the assertions about the Swedish approach to controlling the infection rate. Link to the data used is given below. The data is tabulated and given in term of per capita percentage below.

Bottom line is that Sweden is doing very poorly compared to European nations. In fact Sweden is modifying its policy as of today (see second link below)

  • Sweden has 3 times the average per capita infection rate of neighboring Scandinavian countries. Only country Sweden doing better was US.
  • Death rate n Sweden is 8 times more than its neighbors. It is barely better than US. In fact even poor little New Mexico is doing better than Sweden in this regard.
Sweden 1.92% infection rate 0.0616 % death rate
Norway 0.55% 0.0054%
Denmark 1.09 % 0.0132%
Finland 0.35% 0.0067%
Germany 0.98% 0.0153%
USA 3.41% 0.0746%
NM 2.76% 0.0526%

Link to data used

Link to change in COVID policy in Sweden
Did that answer your question Eve?
The cure shouldn't be worse than the disease but here we are again. Glad you made it back to the 505 and trust you are well!
Hey Eve!!

Welcome back! Hmu
I understand the science and Sweden never had a lockdown or a mandatory mask mandate and yet they have the lowest infection and death rates because they now have “herd immunity.” If you are elderly or have any co-morbidity factors then one should be extra careful. The virus has a 99% survival rate. There may be more people testing positive but the hospitalizations and deaths have flat lined in NM. So you can choose to be an obedient sheep like Funntyme4us or you can live your life. I choose the latter because the pandemic is going to run its course regardless of any actions taken by our dipshit “governor.” Originally Posted by wor
Science says there is no such thing as herd immunity without a vaccine.
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  • wor
  • 11-21-2020, 06:40 AM
Then how would you explain how we were able to finally get over the Spanish Flu a century ago?

It was infinitely more deadly than the Wuhan flu and there was no vaccine.
Then how would you explain how we were able to finally get over the Spanish Flu a century ago?

It was infinitely more deadly than the Wuhan flu and there was no vaccine. Originally Posted by wor
There's also infinitely more travel and movement in 2020 vs 1918, making it easier to come in contact with infected people than ever before.
As much as I would like to discuss epidemiology of R0 for the Spanish Flu and COVID-19, I decided to grow a pair and thank the generation that went before to land on Normandy beach under withering machine gun fire, to the code talkers that scrambled up Iwo Jima and to the mothers that managed their households under strict food and gas rationing so that their sons and grandsons can whine about how much their pussy hurts because bars are closed.