The Wisdom of Rick Perry

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The concept of higher order thinking skills (HOTS) became a major educational agenda item with the 1956 publication of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives. Within the cognitive domain of Bloom's taxonomy there are six levels: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Higher order thinking skills are those skills in the top three levels: analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. These three skill levels are important in critical thinking.
He opposes health care for all Texans too..Rick is a dumbshit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Apparently he also had something against his former Secretary of State...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-13-2012, 04:27 PM
I was forced to look when Perry and wisdom were used in the same sentence .

what ? the two neved cross trails that I knew of ... I was correct.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Now, he's on the campaign trail for his good buddy Mitt. Hundred buck says ol' Rick'll forget Romneys name! I guess the GOP is going after the dumbass redneck vote.
I don't get it? All the posters in this thread are from Texas and it's one of the most prosperous state's in the country, and Perry has been governing for 12 years straight. What do you want, a Jerry Brown bankrupting your state?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, it's all because of Perry.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-13-2012, 07:23 PM
Perry bashed the shit out of Romney during the campaign for the nomination ... called Romney a "looter" of business if I remember ... now hes stumping for Romney?

more republican hypocrisy to the enth degree.

no big surprise there.

nwarounder ... not every texan votes a straight ticket ... a 25$ billion state deficit speaks for Perry.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I don't get it? All the posters in this thread are from Texas and it's one of the most prosperous state's in the country, and Perry has been governing for 12 years straight. What do you want, a Jerry Brown bankrupting your state? Originally Posted by nwarounder
Texas is not prosperous. It's like a third world country with great extreems of wealth coexist cheek by jowl with horrible poverty, especially in rural areas and south Texas. Upward mobility is limited, especially out of the very lowest strata because we have a terribly underfunded primary education system. That is now being moved up to our public universities, which while never first rate, used to be over average at least at the top levels.
Ohh my, you guys really need to get out more often if you think Texas is poor. Take a little trip over to CA with their 25 billion in debt with nothing to fall back on, and 11% unemployment. Every other step is over a bum. Complain if you like, but you could have Brown, then you would know what destitute really looks like.
TexTushHog's Avatar
All facts to the contrary notwithstanding, eh nwsrounder?

Median per capita income:

Texas $24,870
California $29,188
USA $27,334
Meaningless statistic TTH, Cost of Living is what households are concerned with.....

California is sooo expensive; middle class residents, who can, are fleeing to Texas, Utah, and other areas where they don't get fucked over by Progressive spend, tax and regulate agendas.

Only the rich can enjoy the hedonist lifestyle of Californiacation; and the poor are there to serve their masters, who are tossed the bread cumbs of failing schools, failing government, failing economy. The middle class are leaving, while they can, before you Progressives push them into the ranks of the poor.

Calm down; they are going to stop teaching the HOTS program - an outcome based education approach to teaching. It is very controversial. That doesn't mean they want to stop teaching critical thinking skills....The HOTS program isn't the only approach to teaching.

I am alittle suprised that you automatically assume the platform change represents some knuckle dragging anti-education idea. Unless of course, you are a proponent of outcome based education. I am not an expert, but I know enough to not trust what educators are doing in our schools. We see the lack of results daily; we see the poor performances, and we know the indoctrination. Keep an open mind, Outcome Based Education has been around since the 1980s, with very poor results IMO
The Progressive agenda of California politics has destroyed that once great is not welcomed in Texas !