Been out of touch the last two weeks but I am back now ;P

I just wanted to let everyone know I am back. Recently a close family member pass away so I stepped away for a couple of weeks to handle family affairs. I apologize to everyone who tried to reach me during this time period but I hope you understand.

A SPECIAL Thank You to everyone who has been in touch with me during this difficult time period and for all the words of encouragement. It's nice to know I am blessed with the people around me.

Now let's get back to riding this lovely train we call LIFE!! *grin*

Stay Safe and Have Fun,
X O Sadie
pmdelites's Avatar
sadie, my condolences to you and your family on the death of your family member.
keep them in your hearts and mind.

"they are not dead who live in the hearts they leave behind." Tuscarora saying []

peace be with you and your family!
maxim_232's Avatar
My condolences for your loss. Good to see you back again. Hope you are well, take care of yourself. You know I still can't drive past that hotel on 75 without getting a twitch in my pants :P
Sleepy363's Avatar
So sorry to hear it
caliente's Avatar
i'll luv to see ya again...
erosmystique's Avatar
My condolences to you and your family in this difficult time. Best Wishes always!
Thank you guys! *smooches*
lilsmurf's Avatar
Welcome back, my condolences Sadie.
jacobmccandles's Avatar
Its so hard, no matter how sick they have been or how ready they seem to be, you are never ready. I am thinking about you and hope things are easier soon!