I Hate It When:

There is not a lot of things I can actually say I HATE:

However I hate to tell someone no: so I tell them what I do and not do before they get here so they do not ask. So No wont be an issue.

However there are some that enjoy hearing what a person likes even though they will not do it with them. Why I am not sure but they do.

SO THE ISSUE CAME UP TODAY: What do you enjoy with a man in your private life?... And what is your fantasy......I was asked.......

When you ask someone what they like or enjoy DO NOT SAY OOOH WHY DO YOU LIKE THAT.

FYI the answer to the questions was I enjoy being choked and my fantasy was I want to have sex in a HOT AIR BALLOON....
SO I was paturbed at the snarled nose and weird expression on his face that was just wondered what could be on others HATE LIST of client/ ladies HATE LIST. SO TELL ME WHAT DO YOU HATE
Hate would be a strong word, but I don't think I'd enjoy choking somebody in a hot air balloon.
Doc Holliday's Avatar
Oh, I can think of a few people I'd enjoy choking! Let's see... who's got a balloon ride coming up in the campaign??

(all posts of Doc Holliday should be considered a work of fiction. In no way, does he condone, imply or suggest threats of violence to our beloved politicians)
Doc Holliday's Avatar
On topic, I'm new, so I can't comment. But I hate when a dancer in a club approaches you and within seconds "wanna dance?" comes out. Not sure what the equivalent is? But I at least like to break the ice, and get to know someone before playing around.
pmdelites's Avatar
There is not a lot of things I can actually say I HATE:
However there are some that enjoy hearing what a person likes even though they will not do it with them. Why I am not sure but they do.

SO THE ISSUE CAME UP TODAY: What do you enjoy with a man in your private life?... And what is your fantasy......I was asked.......

When you ask someone what they like or enjoy DO NOT SAY OOOH WHY DO YOU LIKE THAT.

FYI the answer to the questions was I enjoy being choked and my fantasy was I want to have sex in a HOT AIR BALLOON....
SO I was paturbed at the snarled nose and weird expression on his face that was just wondered what could be on others HATE LIST of client/ ladies HATE LIST. SO TELL ME WHAT DO YOU HATE Originally Posted by Majichands
oooops, now we all know what you like to do in your personal life!! [either that or you're tossing a bone to distract us]. i promise not to scrunch my nose up at it!

lesson to learn and apply: ask them why they want to know? then either say "i'd rather not divulge personal info" or "you first!"

btw, i can imagine that sex in a hot air balloon would be fun!!
some friends went to Turkey last year and when on a H.A.B. ride and the goldola held 10-12 people. lots of room for delites, if you ask me.
i hate it when people bitch on the internet...
I hate it when monkmonk is wittier than me.
LOL nope do not think I want to be choked in a hot air balloon..........
Guess I would have to give all the details to explain how and why I like it for it to make since. And really did not want to explain it since it was DEFF. NOT ON THE MENU... It was strictly on a personal level and really did not want men people to vision it but HERE IT GOES........................lo l
FYI.........Not every man can do this because you can not be to big or to little.
And only women with NO TONSILS can even attempt it....
SO I was laying on my back his knees was on my chest/ shoulder area his dick was in my mouth he put his hand on my throat and jacked his own dick off while it was IN MY THROAT... So Yes it choked me but was very very exciting to me. Have only had one man worth wild to try that with in my personal life.... But was fun............
AND NO I did not tell the question guy all that however I try to be as real and open with everyone I see.
I do not offer fake compliments or say things that are not true and when he asked I did say my personal life is my personal life but some people like to fantasize so ok.
When he asked what I liked ----that choking scene popped into my head so I smiled and said I liked to be choked.... But did not mean I like to be pass out choked in a hot air balloon....................... .........lol GOODNESS
Fantasy was sex in a hot air balloon.
OK hope that cleared that up.................lol
Sorry my hands are only good on people this typing long inserts of my sexlife is not my strong point...Bad grammer and all... Sorry..
TheWanderer's Avatar
I think I can guess where that hot air balloon lets the air out when they want to land.....
Must be quite a sight....and sound.
OH MY... I NOW HAVE A NEW FANTASY. I want to have sex with a woman who has an ass like that IN THAT BALLOON....lol thanks for the BAD ASS PICTURE.
I wouldn't say hate but it bothers me when clients say...
"So what's your real name"
But then I guess in RL you should at least know your dates name....lol