Our Attraction to Others!

Lana Warren's Avatar
As a little girl, I always fantasized myself growing up and marrying a tall, dark, and handsome man! I did just that at the age of 24!

He was 6ft, had gorgeous dark hair, and very handsome! Unfortunately, our marriage ended a few years ago!

A few years back, I found myself in a lust affair with a man who had similiar features........dark hair and handsome! Not quite 6ft, but just tall enough for me! That only lasted a few months......oh well, that's life!

Then, about a couple of years ago, I dated a man who also was tall, dark, and handsome! And again, that relationship ended!

For awhile, I labeled myself as a "serial dater" because for several months, I dated men like the weather in Texas changes, but for some reason, I never could go on that second date with any of them and I couldn't figure out why until I noticed a pattern.

It finally dawned on me that I was only attracted to men who were tall and had dark hair!

Not saying that I didn't enjoy myself with other men, but something was different!

So, my question to all is..........do you see yourself following a pattern when seeing a lady or gentleman?

Does this person remind you of someone? Bad or good?

I hope this doesn't come off as being shallow and I don't want to offend anyone, but each and every one of us are attracted to different things and I just want to know why!
just4funindfw's Avatar
Then you are going to love me, Lana.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Then you are going to love me, Lana. Originally Posted by just4funindfw

Get your ass over here, handsome!
I fall for blonds with big boobs.
Blonde or red hair, blue or green eyes and big tits and curves and a great personality.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I don't have a type but with one exception, most of my boyfriends have been shorter rather than taller.

Hair color, or even hair, is optional and I don't have a preference.

Weird, huh? Most people DO have preferences but I'm always surprised at what I might find attractive or not and generally, they're not classical handsome men that I go gaga over.

doublebogey49's Avatar
I do have a type that I am most attracted to (and sometimes fantasize over), generally women with darker features and rounder butts. In seeking providers, though, I don't limit myself to a certain type of look in a woman. In fact, in my limited hobby experience, I haven't seen any provider who matches what I think of as my type. It's more important that she be friendly, open, and provides the services I am looking for.
pyramider's Avatar
I try to avoid women with dicks.
geezerdude2's Avatar
Well, if you want to break the "tall, dark, and handsome" routine, just gimme a call!!
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I don't seem to have a preference physically, but there is a certain type of personality that gets me every time.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I've always theorized that throughout life, we remain attracted to those who remind us of our first, positive sexual partner, especially if we became sexually active at a young age.

There are the classic stereotypes as well, tall=masculine, petite= feminine. In posing people for portraits the rule is to tilt the head toward the high shoulder for feminine, toward the low shoulder or lean toward the low shoulder for masculine. Try it in a mirror sometime and see what you think.
Some of the best looking women to me had the darkest heart. As I have grown older, I still like a woman with curves, hopefully tall. But if her heart is dark, then the rest does not matter. We all have a certain type that we are attracted to. But if the inner spirit is not good, the outer appearance soon fades.
WiLsOn's Avatar

I don't think that you are shallow. However, real deep down I have been told that I am a very shallow person!
Eh, I cannot say that I have a "physical" type. I have an older sister who is VERY beautiful (as in, belongs on Vogue beautiful), but her heart is a dark and cold place. She always had dates and I generally didn't. So, I cultivated my personality. As a result, I think I tend to go after personality more than appearance. The only physical feature thats important to me is the eyes, there's gotta be that twinkle of mischief!!

A sense of humor will rule the day where I'm concerned.
I used to be into Tall men, the slim types, muscles budging everywhere.

Now , I like tall men who got some meat on their bones.