The new phony campaign against elitists by empty-headed Republicans

This whole notion of elitists and elitist universities poisoning the minds of our children and society in general is such empty-headed nonsense. It's a baseless ruse created by political activists looking for some new wedge issue. Even Donald Trump brags about his time at an Ivy League school. Now we see that Tucker Carlson's lead writer is an Ivy guy. Have any of you heard Carlson ranting and raving about the evils of elite Ivy universities? It's revealing to understand that those rants were probably written by a proud graduate of an Ivy school. This is how disingenuous the nonsense has become. There's a reason so many Republicans are jumping ship on their own party's president. He's a rudderless, amoral egomaniac, that's why. This culture war he is elevating and throwing gas on is a side-show, a distraction. Both political parties have it's extreme weirdos. Looters and phonies on the left, and skin heads and phonies on the right. We need to find a solid footing. We need to choose leaders who care about the people they lead. I see Ben Sasse as someone to pay attention to. Not Mitch McConnell. I like John Kasich. He's a guy who is conservative yet reasonable and committed to his constituents. The swamp has worsened under President Trump. Special interests are brazenly directing government agencies with a goal to amp up profits and make public interest regulations disappear. Commonsense servant-leaders have been quieted as a self-indulgent, untrustworthy president relentlessly blathers his foolishness in speech after speech. One week it's this hoax, the next week it's another hoax. More excuses. More failures. Is it a conspiracy that more and more former high-level White House staffers are exposing Trump's shallow values, inattention to detail and his disinterest in reading critical information? And is it a conspiracy that there are so many different people writing books about the Trump train-wreck? Swallow hard, accept that we were fooled by this flim flam man, and move on.
  • oeb11
  • 07-11-2020, 06:55 AM
XiNN strikes again in teh minds of the Socialists.
matchingmole's Avatar
XiNN strikes again in teh minds of the Socialists. Originally Posted by oeb11

Typical non cogent and constructive Trumptard response
matchingmole's Avatar
This whole notion of elitists and elitist universities poisoning the minds of our children and society in general is such empty-headed nonsense. It's a baseless ruse created by political activists looking for some new wedge issue. Even Donald Trump brags about his time at an Ivy League school. Now we see that Tucker Carlson's lead writer is an Ivy guy. Have any of you heard Carlson ranting and raving about the evils of elite Ivy universities? It's revealing to understand that those rants were probably written by a proud graduate of an Ivy school. This is how disingenuous the nonsense has become. There's a reason so many Republicans are jumping ship on their own party's president. He's a rudderless, amoral egomaniac, that's why. This culture war he is elevating and throwing gas on is a side-show, a distraction. Both political parties have it's extreme weirdos. Looters and phonies on the left, and skin heads and phonies on the right. We need to find a solid footing. We need to choose leaders who care about the people they lead. I see Ben Sasse as someone to pay attention to. Not Mitch McConnell. I like John Kasich. He's a guy who is conservative yet reasonable and committed to his constituents. The swamp has worsened under President Trump. Special interests are brazenly directing government agencies with a goal to amp up profits and make public interest regulations disappear. Commonsense servant-leaders have been quieted as a self-indulgent, untrustworthy president relentlessly blathers his foolishness in speech after speech. One week it's this hoax, the next week it's another hoax. More excuses. More failures. Is it a conspiracy that more and more former high-level White House staffers are exposing Trump's shallow values, inattention to detail and his disinterest in reading critical information? And is it a conspiracy that there are so many different people writing books about the Trump train-wreck? Swallow hard, accept that we were fooled by this flim flam man, and move on. Originally Posted by Muy Largo

Typical elitists post...using your fancy nouns, pronouns verbs and adjectives. Your liable to get oeb all worked up.
Typical elitists post...using your fancy nouns, pronouns verbs and adjectives. Your liable to get oeb all worked up. Originally Posted by matchingmole
Apparently he got you worked up. You posted twice already and you didn't even post your famous Trump in the Toilet GIF, lol. Dumb on.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Once again denying the obvious. Willful blindness, political hackery, or just stupidity? Pick one.
Professor Glick telling students at MU that they need to shut down a minority journalist who was not down with the cause.
Professor Clanton convicted of assaulting those he considered to be alt-right (they weren't) with a bike lock.
A conservative professor Charles Murray attacked by journalism students for daring to invite a conservative speaker on campus.
Milo Yiannopolis, Ann Coulter, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, Laura Ingrahms, and Melania Trump all threatened by teachers and students on campus forcing them all to cancel appearances.
The obvious stinks like shit on your shoes.
Want to argue then compile your list of liberals who undergone the same experience and then we can talk. Otherwise, you're just pissing in the shower.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
OP hasn’t had kids in college recently, or doesn’t pay attention to the garbage they’re getting fed.
when only and always conservative speakers are deemed "controversial" on college campuses

and seldom are allowed to speak

when the mention of trump or a sign with his name triggers

when his name written in chalk on the sidewalk is deemed hate speech

when the flag of the united states makes people on campus "uncomfortable" and is likened to hate speech

when the topic of free speech sends university administrators into cowering convulsions

There are cases of politically "radical" students shutting down academics and pressure from other lecturers and university administrators.

the idea of safe spaces on college campuses is idiotic and anti liberal

the universities buckle and change their language, and we then have what we have

violations of free speech should be treated equal to plagiarism

Entire books have been written providing hundreds of examples of left-wing indoctrination having replaced education in American universities.

read one
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Furst, nice thread. Second: Ay. ¡Que largo!

Paragraphs, please.

This whole notion of elitists and elitist universities poisoning the minds of our children and society in general is such empty-headed nonsense. It's a baseless ruse created by political activists looking for some new wedge issue. Even Donald Trump brags about his time at an Ivy League school. Now we see that Tucker Carlson's lead writer is an Ivy guy. Have any of you heard Carlson ranting and raving about the evils of elite Ivy universities? It's revealing to understand that those rants were probably written by a proud graduate of an Ivy school. This is how disingenuous the nonsense has become. There's a reason so many Republicans are jumping ship on their own party's president. He's a rudderless, amoral egomaniac, that's why. This culture war he is elevating and throwing gas on is a side-show, a distraction. Both political parties have it's extreme weirdos. Looters and phonies on the left, and skin heads and phonies on the right. We need to find a solid footing. We need to choose leaders who care about the people they lead. I see Ben Sasse as someone to pay attention to. Not Mitch McConnell. I like John Kasich. He's a guy who is conservative yet reasonable and committed to his constituents. The swamp has worsened under President Trump. Special interests are brazenly directing government agencies with a goal to amp up profits and make public interest regulations disappear. Commonsense servant-leaders have been quieted as a self-indulgent, untrustworthy president relentlessly blathers his foolishness in speech after speech. One week it's this hoax, the next week it's another hoax. More excuses. More failures. Is it a conspiracy that more and more former high-level White House staffers are exposing Trump's shallow values, inattention to detail and his disinterest in reading critical information? And is it a conspiracy that there are so many different people writing books about the Trump train-wreck? Swallow hard, accept that we were fooled by this flim flam man, and move on. Originally Posted by Muy Largo

Space between paragraphs. Please.

Once again denying the obvious. Willful blindness, political hackery, or just stupidity? Pick one.
Professor Glick telling students at MU that they need to shut down a minority journalist who was not down with the cause.
Professor Clanton convicted of assaulting those he considered to be alt-right (they weren't) with a bike lock.
A conservative professor Charles Murray attacked by journalism students for daring to invite a conservative speaker on campus.
Milo Yiannopolis, Ann Coulter, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, Laura Ingrahms, and Melania Trump all threatened by teachers and students on campus forcing them all to cancel appearances.
The obvious stinks like shit on your shoes.
Want to argue then compile your list of liberals who undergone the same experience and then we can talk. Otherwise, you're just pissing in the shower. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

when only and always conservative speakers are deemed "controversial" on college campuses

and seldom are allowed to speak

when the mention of trump or a sign with his name triggers

when his name is written in chalk on the sidewalk is deemed hate speech

when the flag of the united states makes people on campus "uncomfortable" and is likened to hate speech

when the topic of free speech sends university administrators into cowering convulsions

There are cases of politically "radical" students shutting down academics and pressure from other lecturers and university administrators.

the idea of safe spaces on college campuses is idiotic and anti liberal

the universities buckle and changes their language, and we then have what we have

violations of free speech should b e treated equal to plagiarism

Entire books have been written providing hundreds of examples of left-wing indoctrination having replaced education in American universities.

read one Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Poetic. Should have stuck with non-capitalised stanzas.

Poetic. Should have stuck with non-capitalised stanzas.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

nice catch, the auto correct got me
eccieuser9500's Avatar
nice catch, the auto correct got me Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I'm a sucker for smooth flow. Nice sights and sounds. Rhythm and rhymes.

Defund the Universities!

Fuck them and the liberals who get rich off student debt.
bambino's Avatar
Typical elitists post...using your fancy nouns, pronouns verbs and adjectives. Your liable to get oeb all worked up. Originally Posted by matchingmole
Pssst, it “you’re liable”, not your. What were you saying about Trumptards?
lustylad's Avatar
Poetic. Should have stuck with non-capitalised stanzas. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
He is our e. e. cummings.
lustylad's Avatar
When someone presumes to tell you they know what is in your own self-interest better than you do, then lectures you on how to vote, and insists that if you fail to choose their candidate(s) you will be voting against your own self-interest, because they are "woke" and you are hopelessly unenlightened, then it is fair to call that person an insufferably condescending ELITIST.

Now ask yourself - does that sound like the way Republicans or Democrats "appeal" to the electorate?