When She Opens the Door.....

I was sitting here wondering...

What do the guys hope the provider is wearing when she opens the door?

Sexy lingerie?

Nothing at all?

A sexy dress?

Casual or in sweats and a tshirt?

Personally, I like to research a bit on the guy. Does he like bootay and like how it looks in jeans? Id wear jeans that show my ASSets and perhaps a simple white wife beater with no bra. Is he a business guy attracted to the business type woman.. id wear a pencil skirt and blouse.. with it slightly unbuttoned..with hair up.. and slowly turn professional business woman to horny porn star...

What do the guys prefer?
  • KCboy
  • 09-25-2011, 05:40 PM
A sexy dress with heels an lingerie under simple and got as that!!!
Good question
Redwolf's Avatar
id wear a pencil skirt and blouse.. with it slightly unbuttoned..with hair up.. and slowly turn professional business woman to horny porn star... Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
Glasses would be an acceptable addition.

Glasses would be an acceptable addition. Originally Posted by Redwolf

Um... I was masturbating once... and i took off my glasses during the most intense moment.. and i swear! I broke them in half! LOL !! Let me know if i should buy more when i come to town on the 6th..
perpetualdesign's Avatar
It was time for me to go, but when I bent over to kiss her goodbye, she crossed her legs and broke my glasses!
kcpumper's Avatar
The wife beater and no bra or a tube top or halter any of which with tight little shorts would make me dizzy. This really just popped in my mind. Not like I've been fantasizing and planning on something like that for months.
midwest50's Avatar
Lacy, I like lingerie, but I really love anything tight fitting that I can slowly peel away from the woman's body. It is a real turn-on for me is to both feel and see the girls sexy beauty be slowly unveiled. [Also, you masturbate? Really? Were you making a video? If so, please, please, please post the link. Thanks!]
growler's Avatar
In your case Lacy just your socks and glasses.
I like some sexy jeans and that girl next door look....but always the little black dress is hot!!
lakecat's Avatar
Well my favorite UTR met me at the door the other night in a mans shirt with just a couple of buttons on, no panties and sexy high heels. OMG it was hot! Even better than the time she met me in a KU t shirt that barely covered her ass, again with no panties. Need to get that girl some panties.....just kidding.
Guest010418's Avatar
My vote is for a nice silky robe with nothing nothing under it but smooth, silky skin.
PowerMonkey's Avatar
I'm sure you could dress in anything and it would turn any of us guys on.
bartipero's Avatar
Suddenly, 50 first dates is sounding good off this list, but I want total recall, LL Cool L.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
My vote is for a nice silky robe with nothing nothing under it but smooth, silky skin. Originally Posted by riskyr
I answer the door that way (w/ heels on) or a baby doll and heels or a butt-short tight black dress w/ heels.
Subtlety is everything...