FISA court

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BARTIROMO: I asked David Cicilline about this last week. He, of course, is a Democrat congressman on the Judiciary Committee. And he's the co-chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee. So he's in leadership.

Here's what he said about the FISA court.


BARTIROMO: We know that there was massive abuse to the FISA court when information was not given to the FISA court about the Democrats and Hillary Clinton paying for the dossier, et cetera.

There has been this investigation in the Judiciary Committee, your committee, as you know, Bob Goodlatte leading the investigation of Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.

Are you going to drop that investigation now, or are you going to pursue the truth there?

CICILLINE: Well, let me correct you, Maria. There has not been massive abuse of the FISA court.


CICILLINE: There's been no evidence of any abuse whatsoever.

BARTIROMO: Are you saying that they did not withhold information? They did not withhold information to the FISA judge in terms of...

BARTIROMO: ... dossier? Is that what you're saying?

CICILLINE: I'm saying there's been no abuse of the FISA court, absolutely no abuse of the FISA court.


BARTIROMO: Wow, he was pretty adamant there.

NUNES: Yes. Yes.

So, look, they have been in denial for a long time. Their party was colluding directly with the Russians. Their entire party and the Clinton campaign should be investigated, because, if you're going to investigate -- if you're going to open up a secret investigation on the Trump campaign, when you had no evidence into them colluding with the Russians, when you -- in fact, the FBI used the evidence that the Clinton campaign paid for that was coming directly from Russians.

So, the very thing Trump's being -- Trump campaign was investigated for, they did. So I assume maybe there is no FISA abuse in their own mind because they think it's OK. They think, as long as the Democrats are the ones that are using secret courts to spy on their political opponents, then it's OK.

If that's -- if that's the way people want it in America -- I don't think that is, but, clearly, that's what the Democrats think it should be.
If agents lying to a judge, to get a warrant, does not count as abuses of the court, WHAT THE HELL Does?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If agents lying to a judge, to get a warrant, does not count as abuses of the court, WHAT THE HELL Does? Originally Posted by garhkal

good question. It did happen.

the FISA warrant should have declassified before the election. Trump caved on this. this is unfortunate.

the bigger question is what to do about dems self-denial that the abuse of the law took place.

TDS is hard to overcome if they're not rational in their hatred.
If anything, the warrant should become nul and voided, as it was issued based on lies. ERGO All convictions based ON that warrant should also be voided.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If anything, the warrant should become nul and voided, as it was issued based on lies. ERGO All convictions based ON that warrant should also be voided. Originally Posted by garhkal

under a normal course of events, manafort and some others would not have merited a look had Trump not won.

The only reason they're looked at is because they were Trump associates and it turned into a fishing expedition.
themystic's Avatar

BARTIROMO: I asked David Cicilline about this last week. He, of course, is a Democrat congressman on the Judiciary Committee. And he's the co-chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee. So he's in leadership.

Here's what he said about the FISA court.


BARTIROMO: We know that there was massive abuse to the FISA court when information was not given to the FISA court about the Democrats and Hillary Clinton paying for the dossier, et cetera.

There has been this investigation in the Judiciary Committee, your committee, as you know, Bob Goodlatte leading the investigation of Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.

Are you going to drop that investigation now, or are you going to pursue the truth there?

CICILLINE: Well, let me correct you, Maria. There has not been massive abuse of the FISA court.


CICILLINE: There's been no evidence of any abuse whatsoever.

BARTIROMO: Are you saying that they did not withhold information? They did not withhold information to the FISA judge in terms of...

BARTIROMO: ... dossier? Is that what you're saying?

CICILLINE: I'm saying there's been no abuse of the FISA court, absolutely no abuse of the FISA court.


BARTIROMO: Wow, he was pretty adamant there.

NUNES: Yes. Yes.

So, look, they have been in denial for a long time. Their party was colluding directly with the Russians. Their entire party and the Clinton campaign should be investigated, because, if you're going to investigate -- if you're going to open up a secret investigation on the Trump campaign, when you had no evidence into them colluding with the Russians, when you -- in fact, the FBI used the evidence that the Clinton campaign paid for that was coming directly from Russians.

So, the very thing Trump's being -- Trump campaign was investigated for, they did. So I assume maybe there is no FISA abuse in their own mind because they think it's OK. They think, as long as the Democrats are the ones that are using secret courts to spy on their political opponents, then it's OK.

If that's -- if that's the way people want it in America -- I don't think that is, but, clearly, that's what the Democrats think it should be.
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Relax Dilbert and Garkal. There are going to be a whole bunch of investigations coming up real soon. Hopefully that will make you happy