Even Charlie Rangel Thinks Biden is Stupid

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Here's Charlie on the Vice President:

“The Vice President said he’s going to put “y’all in chains,’” Mr. Rangel told The Perez Notes in a recent free-wheeling interview. “Was he talking about slavery? You bet your ass he was. Was he using the vernacular? Yes, he was. Did he think it was cute? Yes, he did. Was it something stupid to say? You bet your life it was stupid.”

there is so much kabuki theatre in democratic politics you have to be careful assessing their comments

every time a liberal says something, in the interest of truth in politics, you need a voice over that really says what they mean

rangel: i need to keep sucking up to hillary and bill and maybe if i play it right obama will have to jettison the buffoon biden, so i will make some noise along those lines and maybe hillary will become v.p. that will help me
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Everybody thinks that Biden is stupid. But some people will not acknowledge it. Like the so called mainstream press. If Biden were a Republican can you imagine the field day they would be having with him.
joe bloe's Avatar
It's the pot calling the kettle black. Not that being black is a bad thing, of course.
joe bloe's Avatar
Every body thinks that Biden is stupid. But some people will not acknowledge it. Like the so called mainstream press. If Biden were a Republican can you imagine the field day they would be having with him. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
If we had a Republican politician as dumb as Biden, he never would have made it past dog catcher. For a Republican, one major gaffe, and you're finished. Just look at Todd Akin. One stupid remark, and he's under siege. If Biden had said something, that was comparable in stupidity, to what Akin said, it would have been just another day at the office.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
If we had a Republican politician as dumb as Biden, he never would have made it past dog catcher. For a Republican, one major gaffe, and you're finished. Just look at Todd Akin. One stupid remark, and he's under siege. If Biden had said something, that was comparable in stupidity, to what Akin said, it would have been just another day at the office. Originally Posted by joe bloe
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Biden has some "issues".
If we had a Republican politician as dumb as Biden, he never would have made it past dog catcher. For a Republican, one major gaffe, and you're finished. Just look at Todd Akin. One stupid remark, and he's under siege. If Biden had said something, that was comparable in stupidity, to what Akin said, it would have been just another day at the office. Originally Posted by joe bloe

You did have he was a vice president also..And don't forget Spiro Agnew that's two...
NiceGuy53's Avatar
You did have he was a vice president also..And don't forget Spiro Agnew that's two... Originally Posted by ekim008
You are comparing Dan Quayle with Joe Biden. That is laughable. Quayle misspelled the word "potato" and the press dismissed him as a lite weight. Biden sticks his foot in his mouth just about every other day and gets a pass from the liberal press.
joe bloe's Avatar
You did have he was a vice president also..And don't forget Spiro Agnew that's two... Originally Posted by ekim008
Spiro wasn't stupid, just crooked.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
If we had a Republican politician as dumb as Biden, he never would have made it past dog catcher. For a Republican, one major gaffe, and you're finished. Just look at Todd Akin. One stupid remark, and he's under siege. If Biden had said something, that was comparable in stupidity, to what Akin said, it would have been just another day at the office. Originally Posted by joe bloe
It's not the remark. It's the belief.

By the way, what other republican was finished by a single gaffe?

I don't expect an answer from you because you can't give one.

At least a true answer that is.
pyramider's Avatar
Quayle kept his foot in his mouth most of Big Bush's presidency.
Biden is stupid?

Well, not about history!

Joe sure knows his history:

joe bloe's Avatar
Biden is stupid?

Well, not about history!

Joe sure knows his history:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP-5X_1N3dw Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Biden is a laughing stock. I don't know how he shows his face in public. I think he may be too stupid to know how stupid he is.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's not the remark. It's the belief.

By the way, what other republican was finished by a single gaffe?

I don't expect an answer from you because you can't give one.

At least a true answer that is. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Trent Lott?