joe bloe's Avatar
The religion of peace has struck again. We should have carpet bombed the whole country a few years ago. Nation building doesn't work.

17 Afghans beheaded in insurgent attack on party

By HEIDI VOGT and MIRWAIS KHAN | Associated Press

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Insurgents beheaded 17 civilians in a Taliban-controlled area of southern Afghanistan, apparently because they attended a dance party that flouted the extreme brand of Islam embraced by the militants, officials said Monday.
The killings, in a district where U.S. Marines have battled the Taliban for years, were a reminder of how much power the insurgent group still wields in the south — particularly as international forces draw down and hand areas over to Afghan forces.
The victims were part of a large group that had gathered late Sunday in Helmand province's Musa Qala district for a celebration involving music and dancing, said district government chief Neyamatullah Khan. He said the Taliban slaughtered them to show their disapproval of the event.
All of the bodies were decapitated but it was not clear if they had been shot first, said provincial government spokesman Daoud Ahmadi.
Information was only trickling out slowly because the area where the killings occurred is largely Taliban controlled, Khan said. The Taliban spokesman for southern Afghanistan could not be reached for comment.

Many Afghans and international observers have expressed worries that the Taliban's brutal interpretation of Islamic justice will return as international forces withdraw. Under the Taliban, who ruled the country from 1996 to 2001, all music and film was banned as un-Islamic, and women were barred from leaving their homes without a male family member as an escort.
Helmand is one of the areas seeing the largest reduction in U.S. troops, as the force increase ordered up by President Barack Obama departs. The U.S. started drawing down forces from a peak of nearly 103,000 last year, and plans to have decreased to 68,000 troops in country by October.
One of the most worrying trends to accompany the drawdown has been a surge in attacks by Afghan forces against their international allies, and another shooting came on Monday morning, though it appeared to be accidental.
Two American soldiers were shot and killed by one of their Afghan colleagues in the east, military officials said, bringing to 12 the number of international troops — all Americans — to die at the hands of their local allies this month.
But Afghan officials said Monday's attack in Laghman province was a separate case from the rash of recent insider attacks on international forces, because it appeared to have been unintentional

The incident unfolded when a group of U.S. and Afghan soldiers came under attack, said Noman Hatefi, a spokesman for the Afghan army corps in eastern Afghanistan. When the troops returned fire and ran to take up fighting positions, an Afghan soldier fell and accidentally discharged his weapon, killing two American soldiers with the stray bullets, he said.
"He didn't do this intentionally. But then the commander of the (Afghan) unit started shouting at him, 'What did you do? You killed two NATO soldiers!' And so he threw down his weapon and started to run," Hatefi added. The U.S. troops had already called in air support to help with the insurgent attack and the aircraft fired on the escaping soldier from above, killing him, Hatefi said.
NATO spokesman Lt. Col. Hagen Messer of Germany confirmed that two international soldiers were killed by an Afghan soldier in Laghman province, but declined to give further comment.
Insider attacks have been a problem for the U.S.-led military coalition for years, but it has exploded recently into a crisis. There have been at least 33 such attacks so far this year, killing 42 coalition members, mostly Americans. Last year there were 21 attacks, killing 35; and in 2010 there were 11 attacks with 20 deaths.
The chief spokesman for NATO forces in the country said coalition forces were not pulling back from collaborating with the Afghans because of the attacks.
"We are not going to reduce the close relationship with our Afghan partners," Brig. Gen. Gunter Katz told reporters in the capital

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said that he could not confirm any link between the attacker in Monday's shooting and the insurgency. In previous insider attacks, the Taliban have quickly claimed responsibility and named the assailants. Mujahid did not comment on the other attacks in the south, which is watched over by a different Taliban spokesman.
Meanwhile, Helmand officials reported that 10 Afghan soldiers were killed in an attack on a checkpoint in the south, and five were either kidnapped or joined their assailants.
Ahmadi, the provincial spokesman, said insurgents attacked the checkpoint in Washir district Sunday evening. Another four soldiers were wounded he said. The Afghan Defense Ministry said the checkpoint was attacked by more than 100 insurgents.
Ahmadi said the five missing soldiers left with the insurgents but it was unclear if they were kidnapped or went voluntarily.
Joe, here is a news wire link, and not once is the word "Muslim" mentioned.

They use the word "extreme conservative".

The "religion of peace" strikes again.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You do realize that you would be bombing the party goers as well. We do need to recognize who our enemies are and deal with them.

How far this is from that radical religion Chirstianity; you know for everything there is a season; a time to dance...
joe bloe's Avatar
You do realize that you would be bombing the party goers as well. We do need to recognize who our enemies are and deal with them.

How far this is from that radical religion Chirstianity; you know for everything there is a season; a time to dance... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yea, I know. It's just frustrating. I don't think we can afford to deal with our enemies by going door to door and waiting till they wound us before we shoot back. I don't think we'll be able to defeat the Islamists unless we're willing to be brutal. I don't know how to win a fight where your opponent fights dirty and you have to fight clean.

We broke the German will to fight, partly by fire bombing Dresden; it had no strategic value. We avoided enormous American casualties by nuking Japan. We defeated the Germans and the Japanese by going all out. We lost in Vietnam because our desire to minimize collateral damage was greater than our desire to destroy the enemy.

If we take another 911 level hit, our response had better be breathtakingly brutal. The Islamists respect nothing but power.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
More than brutal, it should be thorough. I give you Fallujah, Iraq. They killed and brutalized the bodies of Americans. The city should have been surrounded by fire power and orders issued for everyone to leave within 48 hours. Anyone and everyone leaving would be detained, finger printed, verified, and disarmed. After 48 hours the city would be leveled by the combined firepower of the allies. As the Romans did it in Carthage, no two stones would be stacked together. The remains would be bulldozed and there would be no evidence that a city had ever existed.

Ghenghis Khan (a personal favorite of John Kerry) besieged a city on the outskirts of what is today Mongolia. He gave the city officials a choice. They could all be killed or they could surrender and allow the Mongals to rape and pillage for a short time. Assured that they would not be killed the city officials surrendered to Khan. He told them that in exchange for this mercy that when he called for some of their men to join his army the city would comply immediately. The city officials agreed.
Time passed and Khan extended his realm into Europe. He found himself facing great odds and sent runners to the city demanding the troops that they had promised. The runner was killed and the city shrugged it's collective shoulders. Khan won his battle and returned to the city. This time there was no mercy. The city was sacked and burned. The women, those who survived, were taken as slaves. All the men and boys were killed. The city officials were tortured and slaughtered like animals. The city was reduced to one single tower that used to guard the gate. That became the monument to Khan's anger. One single tower of stones in the middle of the desert. We should do the same in the Middle East.
joe bloe's Avatar
More than brutal, it should be thorough. I give you Fallujah, Iraq. They killed and brutalized the bodies of Americans. The city should have been surrounded by fire power and orders issued for everyone to leave within 48 hours. Anyone and everyone leaving would be detained, finger printed, verified, and disarmed. After 48 hours the city would be leveled by the combined firepower of the allies. As the Romans did it in Carthage, no two stones would be stacked together. The remains would be bulldozed and there would be no evidence that a city had ever existed.

Ghenghis Khan (a personal favorite of John Kerry) besieged a city on the outskirts of what is today Mongolia. He gave the city officials a choice. They could all be killed or they could surrender and allow the Mongals to rape and pillage for a short time. Assured that they would not be killed the city officials surrendered to Khan. He told them that in exchange for this mercy that when he called for some of their men to join his army the city would comply immediately. The city officials agreed.
Time passed and Khan extended his realm into Europe. He found himself facing great odds and sent runners to the city demanding the troops that they had promised. The runner was killed and the city shrugged it's collective shoulders. Khan won his battle and returned to the city. This time there was no mercy. The city was sacked and burned. The women, those who survived, were taken as slaves. All the men and boys were killed. The city officials were tortured and slaughtered like animals. The city was reduced to one single tower that used to guard the gate. That became the monument to Khan's anger. One single tower of stones in the middle of the desert. We should do the same in the Middle East. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
We should do WHATEVER is necessary to win. Tom Tancredo says, we should put the Islamists on notice, that if they ever use a nuclear device on America, or on one of our allies, we will nuke Mecca. I think that's a great idea.
there is your and Barlycorns chance go dancing...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Win what? What the hell is there to win? How will we know when we've won?

Until the US intervened, the Muslims hated each other more than anyone else. If we'd leave them alone, they'd go back to killing each other, and the problem would take care of itself. All we are is a unifying force for the extremists.

We can't even truly identify the enemy. This is insanity.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-27-2012, 11:11 AM
Joe, here is a news wire link, and not once is the word "Muslim" mentioned.

They use the word "extreme conservative".

The "religion of peace" strikes again. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The media will not use any term that describe a fanatic Muslim, they are afraid of offending one of them. Now if your a white, conservative Christian all bets are off.
joe bloe's Avatar
Win what? What the hell is there to win? How will we know when we've won?

Until the US intervened, the Muslims hated each other more than anyone else. If we'd leave them alone, they'd go back to killing each other, and the problem would take care of itself. All we are is a unifying force for the extremists.

We can't even truly identify the enemy. This is insanity. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The Muslims have been at war with the rest of the world for fourteen hundred years. We've been fighting them since we sent the Marines into Tripoli over two hundred years ago.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So what's your suggestion, U Thant? WIPE 'EM OUT?

Sounds like they're only slightly more to the right of your pals in the Tea Party, sloe joe. They just take the next step that the American religious white don't have the BALLS to take!

You have a job?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-27-2012, 12:45 PM
JD wants to rape and murder Muslims.
So what's your suggestion, U Thant? WIPE 'EM OUT?

Sounds like they're only slightly more to the right of your pals in the Tea Party, sloe joe. They just take the next step that the American religious white don't have the BALLS to take!

You have a job? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Could you translate that in english?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
We had a problem like that in Oklahoma once....

Are you sure they weren't Southern Baptists?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Could you translate that in english? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Could you ask that question in English?