Florida GOP governor lies about Affordable Health Care act

Randy4Candy's Avatar

That skin-headed cousin to Lurch the Butler from the Addams Family is a real piece of work. Sooner or later he'll show up with his hand out for Federal Healthcare $$ - just like our boy Perry here in the "great" state of Texas.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-10-2013, 02:02 PM
Scott didnt lie, hes just too stupid to understand the math
  • Laz
  • 01-10-2013, 02:58 PM
Considering how badly Obama underestimated the cost of Obamacare I don't think the dems should be throwing stones. However, I do prefer people to be honest and provide estimates that are as good as possible. 8+ billion dollars in extra cost is still a lot of money to the state. It is also reasonable to build in a risk factor based on the federal government not being able to pay the portion they currently project. Where are they going to get the money? They are already broke and the debt levels will not be supportable much longer. Who knows what will happen at that point.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-10-2013, 03:12 PM
if a state refuses Obiecare,, they refuse federal $ to pay for medicare, the state is now responsible for paying their own way, and at what cost and at whos expense ? taxpayers?

with states running 10-20 billion dollar deficits they opt to add countless dollars to an already bloated deficit ...


or should I say Republican logic?
  • Laz
  • 01-10-2013, 05:29 PM
I believe the issue is about medicaid not medicare. The states can simply not expand the eligibility for medicaid and there would not be an extra cost for them. The Supreme Court ruled that the feds cannot withhold medicare funds if the state refuses to expand medicaid. One of the good results from that lawsuit.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama lied to get the bill passed. Don't know what you're upset about.
Don't use medicaid in Kansas unless you are prepared to pay it back.Or your estate is.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-10-2013, 05:48 PM
I believe the issue is about medicaid not medicare. The states can simply not expand the eligibility for medicaid and there would not be an extra cost for them. The Supreme Court ruled that the feds cannot withhold medicare funds if the state refuses to expand medicaid. One of the good results from that lawsuit. Originally Posted by Laz
by refusing AHC the state still accepts fed $, yet contend accepting AHC will cost their state $ .. in actuality only the title changes, not the money/assistance from the government that makes AHC such a big boil on the asses of taxpayers

that about right?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Uh, WHAT estate? Most medicaid users ain't exactly flush with cash - or likely to be.
joe bloe's Avatar
Dimo's have been lying about the projected cost of social welfare programs from day one. The projected cost estimates for Medicare were off by one thousand percent. Democrat's projected costs never err on the high side; that's because the projections are lies.

I would say Obamacare is going bankrupt us if we weren't already bankrupt.

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Nice graph, joey. If we can keep the drum-beaters from starting another "War(s) on Behalf of Haliburton and Brown/Root," we might have a chance.
  • Laz
  • 01-10-2013, 06:06 PM
by refusing AHC the state still accepts fed $, yet contend accepting AHC will cost their state $ .. in actuality only the title changes, not the money/assistance from the government that makes AHC such a big boil on the asses of taxpayers

that about right? Originally Posted by CJ7

Obamacare increases the number of people eligible for medicaid and imposes many other costs on the states with the healthcare exchanges. It is not simple a rose by another name. It is a turd that will stink the place up.
joe bloe's Avatar
Nice graph, joey. If we can keep the drum-beaters from starting another "War(s) on Behalf of Haliburton and Brown/Root," we might have a chance. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Your hero LBJ, the father of Medicare and a boatload of other social welfare programs, was in bed with Brown and Root for decades. It has nothing to do with the cost of Medicare. Nice deflection.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obama lied to get the bill passed. Don't know what you're upset about. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Bullshit. Again.

Medicare tried to recoup here in TX also. so do private insurance providers.

I suppose,you boys would rather we put more public funds into it to cover end of life care...

Can't have it both ways, dick dribblers!