Moving In June ..Going away Get together In April

Savannah Moon's Avatar
Leaving Ks & Missouri in June.
After Some deep deliberation I have decided to relocate my One litte I have left & 2 dogs to be closer to my family.
I have made some beautiful friendships here and was able to really Grow..but I so miss my family & so does my little.
Will be selling EVERYTHING except
Our special items & I will be available until the last day of school. Destination I believe is Dallas TX OR Colorado.
Have a bit of time to pin that down.
I am NO LONGER newbie friendly.
a few changes to my schedule & availability for this Semester will be posted on my Showcase.
I will be having A super Fun get together In April for close Clients & Providers..
Will send info individually or you can pm for details.
Lots of love for all of you.
Be Safe & Stay warm
Simply Sexy.

Savannah Moon
Never have had the pleasure of meeting you, Savannah, but have always appreciated your straight-up demeanor. I wish you the best in your next chapter.

P.S. - Are you letting Big Deal keep those nipple clamps?
DallasRain's Avatar
awwww we HAVE TO meet before ya go..I wish ya the best babe!!
ScubaBad's Avatar
Best of luck Savannah!!!
Pharmtech's Avatar
Damn. Never got to meet you in person. Best of luck though!
Aww..our coed discussions won't be as fun...waaa! Good for you though brave decision. Best of luck I know these boys will miss you
malwoody's Avatar
You know, just because you're moving you can still visit this forum and express your unvarnished and usually entertaining opinion. You got nads kid...and you're slinky to boot..

I vote for Colorado, I hear they got some nice candy stores there..

Savannah Moon's Avatar
Thank you all
Big Deal has earned those tittyclamps..I think he is refusing to give them up..but I have a stockpile!!
A lot plans to be made.
And I will be back on a regular basis
Savannah Moon's Avatar
So after having a ♡to♡ with my little. & some Clients & Providers
Have decided to stay put. I will just visit my family when the occasions occur.
I will be in the market to purchase a home but for now we will remain here.. my little has a huge impact on my life choices.
Still planning a Spring get together,
I will be sending PMs.
Feel free to contact me as well
Stay safe & warm
Savannah Moon
I'm planning a Spring get-together too. With you!!
Good to hear on all accounts, Savannah!
Agreed. Glad to hear you're staying with us!
WHEW!! Scared me for a while. Please add me to your Spring Get-Together list.
DallasRain's Avatar
WHEW!! Scared me for a while. Please add me to your Spring Get-Together list. Originally Posted by Magician45
me too plzzzzz
Savannah Moon's Avatar
me too plzzzzz Originally Posted by DallasRain
Thank you ALL!!
My creative juices are FLOWING!!