Did you know that

The words "race car" spelled backwards still spell race car?

"Eat" is the only word that, if you take the first letter and move it to be the last, it spells it's past tense, "ate?"

And if you rearrange the letters in "Tea Party Republicans", and add just a few more letters, it spells;

"Shut the fuck up you free-loading, progress blocking, benefit grabbing, resource-sucking, violent hypocritical douche bags, and deal with the fact that you nearly wrecked this great country when you were in power, and that our President is Black, so get used to it."

Amazing doncha think?:clap :
dirty dog's Avatar
Thats pretty clever, thats how we know you didnt come up with it yourself
Once again DD you are right.

I am no longer clever but I am wily.
john_galt's Avatar
The TEA party stands for Taxed Enough Already. So I guess you support higher taxes and out of control government spending? Also the TEA party has democrats, independents, and other in it as well. Go to a party and see what the mainstream media is not telling you. Watch for the bright light. It is your eyes being opened.
Humorless Droid
dirty dog's Avatar
Humorless Droid Originally Posted by catnipdipper
I bet he got invited to all the parties
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
how many taxes really do the big bad gov get versus how many ways dose the little state gov get I mean like sales taxes car taxes & such versus income taxes. but still cat what said was funny as hell