I don't visit this site so often but I want to remark upon what I see as the real degeneration here - and what was before on ASPD wasn't so pleasant either.
Nowadays this board tends to cover sexual practices that really shouldn't be mentioned in public I feel. Since when did escorting become reduced to acronyms and sex acts (and usually with dreadful grammar and spelling)? Well, it's been like that - on the boards - for a while.
I almost feel nostalgic for the psycho-bitches who used to run boards like this, with their attempts at being smart and the 'we are the HDHs' propaganda which just about totally ignored the immense gains that real courtesans gained in more distant times. That even the best paid 'HDHs' couldn't hold a candle to at the best of times.
Then there were/are those wierdos who insist they're so popular and beautiful and sexually gifted and they so believe in non-monogamous relationships, etc, but somehow - they're so popular etc that they spend immense amounts of time on boards like this. You know, when you have a great person to have sex/a relationship with you just don't do that.
I know there are some smart people who lurk on this board - God I wish I'd hear more of it. (PJ I think you're an exception, I think you're smart and funny - what are you doing here?)
For all the haters that are bound to sprout forth - yeah, predictable, and you can have 20 seconds of attention, bully for you. Ever thought of reading a good book or doing something constructive instead?
Leah Ireland