CG4U....out of action for a while...

collegegirlforyou's Avatar
Hey ya'll,
I haven't had much of a chance to get online for any amount of time. About 2 weeks ago I got sick and I thought it was sinus or allergy related. When the swelling around my lymph node got so bad that it was excruciating to talk...I went to the ER and how sent home with penicillin. 4 days later I went back into the ER and 2 hours later I was having emergency surgery. Turns out I had a absess 8cm large and had gotten bad enough to be penetratin my jaw bone. I'm now recovering from my second surgery and I found out yesterday that I will be out of the hobby for 6 to 8 weeks. Of course this comes around Christmas time. :/ I just wanted to let all of you know cause I know I've been getting a lot of texts and emails asking when I'll have free time.

P.s. I had my brother put together a PayPal account for me, and if you wanna donate to the Crystal Christmas fund send me a PM or text and I'll send you the PayPal address. Unfortunately I wasn't prepared for this long of an absence especially before Christmas and I'm hoping that I can get enough together for my kiddo and some inevitable bills. Thank ya'll!!
Sorry for any typos I'm still pretty out of it
Feel better!
flanker6's Avatar
Hope you have a quick and complete recovery and feel better soon!
So sorry to hear that you're down - that sounds like a bad abscess! Poor Baby!!
Precious_b's Avatar
God that's terrible!

I've had to do a couple of teeth myself that I was surprised I held onto this long.

I hope you can get into a little of the holiday spirit. Godspeed to your recovery.
moebeedick's Avatar
Get well soon beautiful!
FootLong's Avatar
Sorry to hear that. Take care, you and your kiddo!
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Please send me your PayPal info.
Praying for your speedy recovery.

catchmeeifucan's Avatar
Hope you feel better
MoneyManMatt's Avatar
Guest010619's Avatar
I also had a bad abscess a couple of years ago. I still need another surgery to correct the damage as the first one got messed up.
Wishing you a full and fast recovery.
PM sent for Paypal.
HUMP!'s Avatar
  • HUMP!
  • 12-07-2015, 08:05 PM
Sure wish you a speedy recovery, CG.
Sorry this happened to you. Get well soon. Praying for you.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-07-2015, 10:32 PM
I am sincerely sorry for your troubles. May your recovery be quick and complete!

All the best to you!
I'm so sorry. May you recover swiftly.