Payment for membership

pnutz's Avatar
  • pnutz
  • 12-16-2015, 12:47 PM
I'm usually fairly silent on this site but I just thought I would give everyone a heads up. Do not try to use any of the vanilla Visa cards, basically pre-paid cards, one this site. Ccbill will not let it go through since the vanilla Visa cards do not allow international use. Just FYI. Now I've got a $100 Visa card that I guess I'll be putting in someone's stocking. Bah humbug!
ck1942's Avatar
Entirely likely that a lady or two will accept the card -- if you have plenty to document the value. If they can check it on line even better.
moebeedick's Avatar
Plus writing a review will get you 6 weeks membership as well! 2 birds, 1 stone my man! Good luck!

P.S. There are some great ladies who will gladly accept it! I posted an ISO with a gift card because of a cancellation and had several suitors!