Question for the Ladies

Just curious - do you get more orgasms from good clients or SOs? I know that some clients aren't great, but the good ones...
The difference between the two is probably similar to the diff between us and ur SO..or somewhat anyway,lol
I have sex with my SO often,so the newness and difference in each hobbyist is intriguing,gets the adrenaline going. Even my regulars I see often,I sleep with much less than my SO. Jus sayn...variety is the spice of life..yummi!
No you guys can get the job done
ck1942's Avatar
Decent question, but, imo, the less I know about a provider's personal life and vice versa, the better off both of us are.
Jesslove's Avatar
I came here because it wasn't enough, he couldn't keep up.

Now that I have found this beautiful playground , there is no need for an SO imo.

J.Love :-* besitos
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
I don't have a SO...Maybe one day.

I have some amazing orgasms. Thanks guys friends!

What about if you have a boyfriend?
No SO to compare. <---------
Why would a hobbyist WANT to know.
Merry Minx's Avatar
If it's good enough to make me really makes no difference. I get so turned on when I know a guy really loves eating pussy....
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
I came here because it wasn't enough, he couldn't keep up.

Now that I have found this beautiful playground , there is no need for an SO imo.

J.Love :-* besitos Originally Posted by Jesslove
