Anyone seen this yet? Lmfao!!

LimitlessLace's Avatar
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
Will never understand why this is illegal
PillowChaffer's Avatar
Rant on

Sites like this make it obvious; prostitution as a crime is the real war on women. Saw COPS the other day on TV saying prostitution is NOT a victimless crime. What an absolute piece of journalistic trash. The game is rigged.

Not to mention a shitload of victims on this board. A chick making/charging $200, $300 even $400 an hour. Oh my gosh the horror! I'll tell ya who the victim is in that scenario: when I pay $300 for an hour and my victim tells me I can't cum on her face unless I pay an extra $50, I consider myself the victim in that transaction.

The system is being played against the ladies. Could you imagine making prostitution legal, the amount of money that would be poured into it and the instant power the working woman would have with the right organization? That scares the power brokers to death!

The working ladies lobby on The Hill could become so powerful, they could literally pick and choose who holds power. That is really scary to the politicians that even the lowest of despots would become instant power in the system with pussy and money to buy influence. They could start to rig the game in their favor. With pussy, they do not have to play the game of life the hard way; go to college, going into debt to their eyeballs to pay for it, start working 60 hours a week for $10.00 and hour, yada, yada, yada. Or say just having the luck of the draw and being dealt into the money game like Chelsa Clinton and her ilk who has done NOTHING but gets paid a 9-figure salary to run around the world spending money. The political class would be instantly flipped upside down with every woman, empowered. You think that is not the case?

Think I am off base on power brokering? Consider this on how the ladies of this board wield power and are enabled to pick who they see. You only think you are picking a lady but for some of the ladies here [top-shelf level], they pick you once you reach out to them. Even with your donation fee, with many of the ladies in the upper crust here, you need references. Even with a fist full of money, you can't get into the game.

Another lady or any lady for that matter can blackball your ass in the Powered Room or put a public alert against your ass for whatever reason or no reason. You are left looking like babbling idiot in a public forum trying to get your rep back. You are instantly stuck at home jacking off to porn on your computer with a pocket full of money or trolling backspace hoping you wont get robbed by a fake. Look at the fucks who have to try an fake who they are to see some of the providers here because they have been flagged as total assholes. They have to say I am such-and-such user from ECCIE and have to hope the providers verification fails. My user ID has been used several times to try and trick providers here. Who has power now?

Rant off

I just can't resist opening my big mouth on this.
ck1942's Avatar
"It" is illegal in certain societies and thus, obviously, countries, because usually the religious leaders wanted it so.

Consensual adult sex, without marriage or payment, is usually legal in most countries with some exceptions, such as gay sex barred in Muslim nations such as Malaysia.

Not much any of us in the U.S.A. can do about p4p unless somehow the Supremes decide to vacate state laws.

Adult P4P is not specifically a federal crime, but other federal statutes make certain allied activities illegal: trafficking, for example.

PC, your rant is understood, but, imo, just that, a rant.

And I don't believe either gender here has much "power" in the larger scheme of p4p. But, yes, some feel that way, so believe what you want.

P4P has been around for centuries and despite what government tries to do, darn little effect is anything but transitory.

Happy Hobbying, all!