is all the other states up north sending their homeless to texas but not florida where st. peterburg(S.E. FISHERY) or russia have all the pussy in new real estate

is all the other states up north sending their homeless to texas but not florida where st. peterburg(S.E. FISHERY) or russia have all the pussy in new real estate
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
Homeless individuals tend to migrate South for the winter, just as Snowbirds do.

The cities and states up North do not spend any tax revenue to move them. The individuals themselves choose to migrate on their own.

I live in Maine. We have some homeless population in Summer, but they are nearly all gone before Winter settles in.

I do not blame them. If your 'plan' is to sleep under a bridge, doing it down South in February is much nicer than doing it in Maine in February.