What is your favorite Thanksgiving side dish? Do you enjoy cooking the meal or eating it most?

SknyDiva's Avatar
Mine has always been cornbread dressing. I make a damn good one too. I enjoy doing both, preparing the FEAST & THEN PARTAKING IN THE FEAST IS A RITUAL.I TRULY ENJOY. SHARE PLEASE your thoughts...
LA Man's Avatar
Dressing, both cornbread and rice, then sweet potatoes with plenty of marshmallows. Eat behind me and there is a good chance you might miss out on the marshmallows.

Skny I attest to the fact that you enjoy preparing the Feast and the ritual of Partaking in the Feast!

Have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy��
turbo-dog's Avatar
I like a good batch of mashed potatos w turkey gravy. I'd prefer to eat and watch football. Don't like preparing at all.
wildwing's Avatar
I don't cook a lot but I do help with the oyster dressing since there is a lot of prep. Instead of cornbread we use stale French bread. It is so good.
SknyDiva's Avatar
My mama made the best. I don't use them (oysters) for my recipe.
Oyster dressing and roasted ducks
DallasRain's Avatar
Its turkey day at MY house...first time in over 20 years ...lol

I LUV cornbread dressing!! and homemade yeast rolls!
SknyDiva's Avatar
I eat oysters is in dressing.
Mysterydate023's Avatar
M-I-L makes a decent baked macaroni. I like it, and cornbread dressing. My favorites though are deserts, my homemade, from scratch almond bundt cake, and chocolate wafer roll.