GOP tests definition of insanity

You know...doing the same thing over and over...40 times, in fact...and expecting different results?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Now, now, Little Timmy, everyone knows that lefty-lous like you aren't right in the head.

The House is playing to its constituencies: it's politics. And here is a little secret, Little Timmy, all of them -- right and left -- are politicians.

'The overkill isn’t irrational. As The Post’s Sarah Kliff noted, research shows that people resist regulations more vigorously if they think the requirements will eventually be repealed. “If it’s 37, 38, 39, I don’t care,” Rep. Rich Nugent (R-Fla.) said this week. “If we do it 100 times, sooner or later we’ll get it right.”'

". . . these actions do really matter in a substantive way. This slew of three dozen repeal votes have changed both how the Affordable Care Act works and how the public perceives it."
It is dumb; I don't think they have even considered cutting off spending for obamacare. The House could do that unilaterally since all spending bills must originate in the house.
It is dumb; I don't think they have even considered cutting off spending for obamacare. The House could do that unilaterally since all spending bills must originate in the house. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The whackadoos have considered it, and urged it to be considered, over and over. Your boy Crazy Cruz proposed it in the senate just the other day.

The reason why is that the Senate isn't going to go along under the current or future CR's. And, as Boehner has stated, he recognizes that it would result in a government shutdown. Which you and the idiots you support would catch the blame for.....

It's a concept that you don't fathom....doing things for the good of the country rather than fanatical, hyper-partisan ideology.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-18-2013, 03:09 PM
there was a thread dedicated to the dems for wasting time and ignoring the economy ..

imagine that
chefnerd's Avatar
It is dumb; I don't think they have even considered cutting off spending for obamacare. The House could do that unilaterally since all spending bills must originate in the house. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Actually, it is bills that raise revenue must originate in the house. Check Article I, Section 7.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-18-2013, 03:24 PM
its dumb to imagine a bill only has to make it through the House and not the Senate too ... then theres that pesky Presidential signature it takes to pass it

ever wonder why the House has been rejected in 38 attempts to repeal the law? No?

It is dumb; I don't think they have even considered cutting off spending for obamacare. The House could do that unilaterally since all spending bills must originate in the house
The house won't do it because it will lead to a government shutdown. And, they will get blamed. WTF? Do I stutter?

Eric Shirtbird knows it but doesn't want to say it....fucking mealy-mouthed idiot.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The house won't do it because it will lead to a government shutdown. And, they will get blamed. WTF? Do I stutter?

Eric Holder knows it but doesn't want to say it....fucking mealy-mouthed idiot. Originally Posted by timpage

IB Hankering is running his blow and go special till midnight so there is still time for a few more. He isn't full yet.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Apparently Timmie has never heard the adage that politics is the work of repetition. You keep going back to the well until you get what you want. By the way, things did happen differently. More democrats are coming on board for the repeal with every vote.
Does it work for you JD?
The left are masters at that game; look how they have been relentless in overturning DOMA....despite multiple ballot wins with widespread support for DOMA, the left is winning the day on that issue....with the help of deceitful politicians who campaign one way on the issue but act the opposite once in office.

IMO, the GOP should continue to overturn Obamacare, but by using the power of the purse string. Cut off all funding of anything related to Obamacare !

Apparently Timmie has never heard the adage that politics is the work of repetition. You keep going back to the well until you get what you want. By the way, things did happen differently. More democrats are coming on board for the repeal with every vote. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Apparently Timmie has never heard the adage that politics is the work of repetition. You keep going back to the well until you get what you want. By the way, things did happen differently. More democrats are coming on board for the repeal with every vote. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It's a waste of time and is done strictly for political the house republicans can say to the mouth-breathers like you "Look, we're trying to overturn it. Keep voting my dumb ass into office."

And, I've got no problem with politicians "going back to the well" as you say....but, not 40 times in 5 years and not when there is absolutely zero chance of success. If the GOP gets control of the Senate and the White House, then overturning it will be their prerogative and right...what has been going on recently is just silly and a complete waste of time.

As for defunding per whirlytard's repetitive suggestions....again, I hope the House does defund it. That would be a political disaster for the GOP.
chefnerd's Avatar
Actually, either the House or the Senate could defund it. The only two things Required to originate in the House, per Article I of the Constitution, are Impeachment proceedings and Revenue bills. As an example, the latest farm bill, which has numerous spending amounts in it, originated in the Senate. The House then cut nutrition benefits and increased subsidies to the wealthy farmers and big agri-businesses.