Star Wars- fans?

Any Star Wars fans here ??? I love Star Wars !!! I also love Sigourney Weaver kicking ass, in all the ALIENS...MOVIES !!!! DOES THAT MAKE ME A SCI-FI NERD??? LOL..... LMAO.......
I am
hotrod81's Avatar
Great Movies
cablatino's Avatar
Love them
happy the clown's Avatar
I LOVE STAR WARS.....MOVIES!!!! EPISODES- 4. 5. AND. 6. AND THE NEW ONE COMES OUT AT CHRISTMAS!!!! BUT I love the Aliens movies so much that I'm addicted to watching them. !!! EVEN COLLECT SOME of THE COMICS!!! LOL. Same with. Avp. Aliens vs. Predator. I'm such a dork!!! I think I secretly want to save the world from Aliens and Sigourney- Weaver did. Lmao. Remember that scene where. Ripley gets in that Robot. Forklift..thing. looks at the Mother Female Alien and says. Get away from her. YOU BITCH!!! Ha ha haha !!!! They don't make movies like that anymore !!!! Ahhh........ sighhhh...... lol...
happy the clown's Avatar
unfortunately that's all they are making now days. Remakes of everything. It seems that they have lost the art of coming up with something new. I bet you are a closet manga fan too .......
happy the clown's Avatar
Oh and when they announce they want to ramake episode IV I leaving the planet
I don't know what I only like very few things. When I love one. ( Aliens .) I REALLY LOVE IT !!!! I MAY NEED PROFESSIONAL....HELP. LOL.
I also have to say. The new Star Wars movie at called The Force Awakens. I could make 5 (bad) sex jokes right there .....Lmao. I like to make ... The "force awaken" in a man's pants. Lmfao. ( apologies to all of you normal people