mRNA Vaccine - Miracle or Satan's wet dream?

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Time to start reading up on this topic kiddies. This might just be the new age hope for vaccines. While not ready for prime time, a major concern would be the "warp speed" mentality and good old fashioned fear-porning about 'we will never go home again' until we have a vaccine. In a nutshell; cut every corner possible to create the greatest Hopium ever for the masses, albeit mostly dumb masses, as fast as possible. Either way, this is the new trend and it's moving right along.

The idea is novel and does not use the traditional approach of infecting you with a real, but diluted, live virus for your body to counteract. Instead, it's like loading a blueprint directly to your cell to make and replicate it's own response. Read the article, it'll make more sense and it's not overly techy-speaky.

Pro Tip: While reading it, just keep one question going in the back of your gourd: What could possibly go wrong?

mRNA vaccines, a primer: How they work, why they’re “cleaner” than traditional vaccines, and why they might prove catastrophic in a rushed coronavirus response

mRNA vaccines — also called “genetic vaccines” — arise from an innovative biotechnology approach that turns the body’s cells into molecular factories to produce proteins that activate a pathogen-specific immune response. The technology holds great promise but also presents significant risks which are not yet fully known.

Summary of what’s in this article:

– mRNA vaccines promise an intriguing new platform for immunization that does not rely on the growth or harvesting of pathogens from animal tissue. This offers mRNA vaccines several key advantages over traditional vaccines.

– Research into mRNA vaccines is still in its infancy, even though various biotech pioneers have been working on ways to achieve mRNA vaccines for around two decades. It is very likely that yet more decades of research will be required to achieve acceptable levels of safety and efficacy.

– mRNA vaccines can be produced far more rapidly, safely and uniformly than traditional vaccines. Production can be easily scaled up, and there is zero risk of introducing “live” pathogens into the body of the patient, since these vaccines don’t use weakened pathogens in the first place...
I like the idea and I'm hoping it works but if it does they should figure out a vaccine to prevent homosexuals from wanting to suck dick and take it up the ass like Sistine Chapel likes to do.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Doubt that is possible. Hope you read a little further into the linked article. Watch out for those drawbacks. They are a doozy...

I like the idea and I'm hoping it works but if it does they should figure out a vaccine to prevent homosexuals from wanting to suck dick and take it up the ass like Sistine Chapel likes to do. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Doubt that is possible. Hope you read a little further into the linked article. Watch out for those drawbacks. They are a doozy... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Hey, you have at least one volunteer ready to go already.

Sure, I’d volunteer. The 25 mcg dose is probably at least 5X safer and more effective than hydroxychloriquine Originally Posted by Tiny
HedonistForever's Avatar
I don't have an over all problem with vaccines. I get the flu shot every year and recently got a two dose vaccine for shingles and I think I got a once a decade tetanus shot recently but this "new" shot? I think I'll take a wait and see attitude. I live a very solitude life after 50 years of anything but an isolated life. "Socially isolating" is my normal and I like it that way so I'm in no hurry like millions of others out there in the "herd" everyday. I can afford to wait on the results of the new vaccine.
  • Tiny
  • 05-26-2020, 12:15 PM
Hey, you have at least one volunteer ready to go already. Originally Posted by eccielover
Not true. This is too experimental. And probably irrelevant. An mRNA Covid 19 vaccine probably won't be among the ones that actually go into production.
Not true. This is too experimental. And probably irrelevant. An mRNA Covid 19 vaccine probably won't be among the ones that actually go into production. Originally Posted by Tiny
You do realize that the Moderna vaccine you were specifically discussing in the 25 through 250 mcg ranges was an mRNA vaccine. Right?

The vaccine, developed and championed by Anthony Fauci and financed by Bill Gates,used an experimental MRNA technology that the two men hoped would allow rapid deployment to meet President Trump’s ambitions “warp speed” time line.
  • Tiny
  • 05-26-2020, 01:43 PM
You do realize that the Moderna vaccine you were specifically discussing in the 25 through 250 mcg ranges was an mRNA vaccine. Right? Originally Posted by eccielover
Oops, looks like I screwed up. All I know about mRNA vaccines is what I saw on an interview with an American hero, Bill Gates, who said people had been working on these for other diseases for quite a while and had not come up with anything. So I figured an mRNA vaccine was a long shot for this epidemic. But yeah, I would take the 25 mcg dose right now as part of a clinical trial, and feel safer doing that than taking hydroxychloroquine.

That said, if you stuck me in a time machine and sent me back 2 months, before results were announced for the few who've taken the 25 mcg dose, no, I would not sign up.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Oops, looks like I screwed up. All I know about mRNA vaccines is what I saw on an interview with an American hero, Bill Gates, who said people had been working on these for other diseases for quite a while and had not come up with anything. So I figured an mRNA vaccine was a long shot for this epidemic. But yeah, I would take the 25 mcg dose right now as part of a clinical trial, and feel safer doing that than taking hydroxychloroquine.

That said, if you stuck me in a time machine and sent me back 2 months, before results were announced for the few who've taken the 25 mcg dose, no, I would not sign up. Originally Posted by Tiny

Knowing that literally millions of people have been taking that drug for over 50 years with little if any, that I am aware of, reported deaths even in people with underlying disease? I think you may be falling for a couple of disputed reports, one that even you found "concerning".

I think you may have succumb to Democrat hysteria which is absolutely your right to do.
I like the idea and I'm hoping it works but if it does they should figure out a vaccine to prevent homosexuals from wanting to suck dick and take it up the ass like Sistine Chapel likes to do. Originally Posted by friendly fred
They don't want to do that because whole agenda of the New World Order is for depopulation Homosexuals fit right in with that. Vaccines also fit right in with the depopulation agenda. That's the whole basis of the pandemic. Get people as afraid as possible and they will line up for a vaccine that may have hidden measures for depopulation such as infertility among other things to lessen the life span.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Swing and a miss, strike two. This Gates guy that couldn't remove viruses from Windoze just ain't doing so hot with people either - even with his own $$ and tons-o-$$ from big pharm. He blows again?!?

Another Gates Vaccine Bites the Dust—Sick Monkeys Everywhere!
One day after revelations that the Gates/Fauci Moderna vaccine caused severe illnesses in 20% of high-dose recipients, Bill Gates got devastating news about his other “warp-speed” COVAX bet. The Oxford Vaccine Group (OVG) spike-protein vaccine was on an even faster track than Moderna. In May, Melinda Gates predicted it would be jab-ready by years’ end. Oxford and UK officials promised 30 million doses by September...

...All vaccinated macaques sickened after exposure to COVID-19. Edinburgh University’s Eleanor Riley told Forbes the vaccine provided “insufficient” antibodies to prevent infection and viral shedding. Vaccinated monkeys spread the disease as readily as unvaccinated...

...Andrew Pollard strikes again
The OVG is politically wired. Lead developer Andrew Pollard juggles scandalous conflicts that allow him to license, register, and mandate his own untested vaccines to the masses. Pollard is Senior Advisor to Britain’s MRHA Panel which licenses vaccines, chairs Britain’s JVCI committee that mandates them, and advises the European Medicine Agency (EMA). He takes payments from virtually all the big vaccine makers. In 2014, Pollard developed GlaxoSmithKline’s notorious Bexsero meningitis vaccine, and then mandated it to children despite significant safety signals for Kawasaki Disease and the rarity of meningococcal B infections. The package insert says Bexsero may cause Kawasaki disease in as many as one out of every 1000 children based on reports in the clinical trials...

Missed it by that much... At least 1 out 6 monkeys felt a little better. Better luck next time.
Swing and a miss, strike two. This Gates guy that couldn't remove viruses from Windoze just ain't doing so hot with people either - even with his own $$ and tons-o-$$ from big pharm. He blows again?!?

Another Gates Vaccine Bites the Dust—Sick Monkeys Everywhere!
One day after revelations that the Gates/Fauci Moderna vaccine caused severe illnesses in 20% of high-dose recipients, Bill Gates got devastating news about his other “warp-speed” COVAX bet. The Oxford Vaccine Group (OVG) spike-protein vaccine was on an even faster track than Moderna. In May, Melinda Gates predicted it would be jab-ready by years’ end. Oxford and UK officials promised 30 million doses by September...

...All vaccinated macaques sickened after exposure to COVID-19. Edinburgh University’s Eleanor Riley told Forbes the vaccine provided “insufficient” antibodies to prevent infection and viral shedding. Vaccinated monkeys spread the disease as readily as unvaccinated...

...Andrew Pollard strikes again
The OVG is politically wired. Lead developer Andrew Pollard juggles scandalous conflicts that allow him to license, register, and mandate his own untested vaccines to the masses. Pollard is Senior Advisor to Britain’s MRHA Panel which licenses vaccines, chairs Britain’s JVCI committee that mandates them, and advises the European Medicine Agency (EMA). He takes payments from virtually all the big vaccine makers. In 2014, Pollard developed GlaxoSmithKline’s notorious Bexsero meningitis vaccine, and then mandated it to children despite significant safety signals for Kawasaki Disease and the rarity of meningococcal B infections. The package insert says Bexsero may cause Kawasaki disease in as many as one out of every 1000 children based on reports in the clinical trials...

Missed it by that much... At least 1 out 6 monkeys felt a little better. Better luck next time. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Haven't had a chance to look. Was this other vaccine an MRNA one too?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Haven't had a chance to look. Was this other vaccine an MRNA one too? Originally Posted by eccielover

I think so based on description and pictures, but it never says mRNA explicitly in any of the links I followed.
I think so based on description and pictures, but it never says mRNA explicitly in any of the links I followed. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Thanks. I didn't see it either in the details and didn't have time to check.
They don't want to do that because whole agenda of the New World Order is for depopulation Homosexuals fit right in with that. Vaccines also fit right in with the depopulation agenda. That's the whole basis of the pandemic. Get people as afraid as possible and they will line up for a vaccine that may have hidden measures for depopulation such as infertility among other things to lessen the life span. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Depending on who gets sterilized it might be a good idea.

I'm for sterilizing whiny liberals so they won't have any kids to continue and destroy the USA.