Who’s going to be our next president?

After Trump was shot, I thought he was a lock to win. I thought he would use that incident as a way to at least pretend he’s a little less divisive and a start to tell what he can do and stop the insults and careless choice of words. At the same time, Biden was a mess.
But Biden steps down and Harris has momentum that Biden never had. The polls have flip flopped.
I personally would benefit financially if Trump won, but see nothing indicating he will.
What say you?
Hey, what's this? A reasonable discussion thread? On this hooker board? In this part of the country? At this time of year???

I agree with you here. He could had used his assassination attempt as momentum through November. He almost did, what with the fist bump photo op. But using more of that event in his favor would had necessitating him needing to take a step back and concede even a little bit.

He could had swung it like 'They think I'm so bad they tried to kill me! But I'm not that bad, I'll show you'...

But he didn't. He screwed up as soon as he refused to let the FBI investigate. No medical report? That hurt him. Not being honest in that he was uninjured? That hurt him.

Wearing the bandaid helped, but seeing as he only wore it for a few days, coupled with no information his actual injury (or lack thereof) hurt him.

Trump was given the gilded carpet to the white hours in Butler. All he had to do was take one step and say 'maybe I was wrong'. Instead, he refused to budge even an inch and insisted that the white house come to him.
But at the same time, Biden picked up his stuff and left and gave all the mojo to Harris, and now she and the white house are racing to meet each other on the beach with a romantic sunset backdrop while Trump's still sitting in his beach chair complaining that everything is stolen from him like a child.
Where’s all the MAGA guys? Awfully silent lately. Don’t be sad…Trumpy could turn it around. Just needs to stop saying stupid, inflammatory things and talk about what he can do to Make America Great Again.
TechPapi's Avatar
Where’s all the MAGA guys? Awfully silent lately. Don’t be sad…Trumpy could turn it around. Just needs to stop saying stupid, inflammatory things and talk about what he can do to Make America Great Again. Originally Posted by Charley3

Who cares? They barely exist, imo. Do you need them to post rumble links or something?

Short answer: They've been frightened off because they see no one gives a fuck about the depressing shit they're selling anymore. They don't want to think about who the next president is going to be, because they know it won't be the cheeto.
Who cares? They barely exist, imo. Do you need them to post rumble links or something?

Short answer: They've been frightened off because they see no one gives a fuck about the depressing shit they're selling anymore. They don't want to think about who the next president is going to be, because they know it won't be the cheeto. Originally Posted by TechPapi
I guess I do care in some weird way. I like balance in my hooker board political “discussions”. I’m a fiscal republican and a social democrat(to an extent).
Just wish everyone here was as smart as me. lol

I’m surprised they gave up here. That is telling. I still think Trump has a slight chance, but priding himself on his name calling isn’t gonna do it.
TechPapi's Avatar
I guess I do care in some weird way. I like balance in my hooker board political “discussions”. I’m a fiscal republican and a social democrat(to an extent).
Just wish everyone here was as smart as me. lol

I’m surprised they gave up here. That is telling. I still think Trump has a slight chance, but priding himself on his name calling isn’t gonna do it. Originally Posted by Charley3

I suppose I could accept an extension of the definition of "balance" to "unhinged."

I get it, though. I'm in no way a "liberal" in the sense these MAGAs throw it around. I hate the cheeto along with the cult and shitheels that he has attracted and empowered.
It was half filibuster and half unhinged by a poster or two. All or nothing?

Kamala didn’t look half bad last night. Hope she keeps her promise about the border and to allow fracking. Time will tell.
There really is no such thing as a "fiscal Republican" anymore. The GOP is now the party of MAGA trump weirdos, and they are anything but fiscally conservative. Quite the opposite, in fact.

I'd like to see it get back to the Republican party of the 80s and 90s, but trump needs to disappear from politics permanently for that to begin to happen.
There really is no such thing as a "fiscal Republican" anymore. The GOP is now the party of MAGA trump weirdos, and they are anything but fiscally conservative. Quite the opposite, in fact.

I'd like to see it get back to the Republican party of the 80s and 90s, but trump needs to disappear from politics permanently for that to begin to happen. Originally Posted by tommy156

Agree, but I wouldn't go so far as to label all Republicans as MAGAs. MAGA is the loudest and dumbest faction. The sane people in the party aren't speaking out... or, weren't.

And getting rid of Trump will only end up making him a martyr, no matter the outcome. The loudest, dumbest people in the GOP are going to keep making noise, until either the FBI comes knocking for their help in trying to overthrow the government, or they are disowned by even the media.

Notice how a lot of Trump's supporters have been rather quiet the past few weeks? Both on this site (lol) and in the media. They can see the writing on the walls, that the beacon of racism and fraud that they have been rallying behind is doing naught to protect them from the (quite literally) blue wave of reason.
The only people who are going to get caught and drown will be Trump and everyone who is genuinely retarded enough to not leave and try to pretend they had nothing to do with him for the past 8 years.

Kamela gona win
And getting rid of Trump will only end up making him a martyr, no matter the outcome. The loudest, dumbest people in the GOP are going to keep making noise, until either the FBI comes knocking for their help in trying to overthrow the government, or they are disowned by even the media. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
I really don't care if they make him a martyr, so long as he's never on any ballot for any public office ever again. Let them cry for the next decade over it. It will be entertaining, to say the least.

Thing is, if they DON'T get rid of him, they'll just keep losing elections. So, those are their two choices: cry over the loss of their dear leader, or cry over losing election after election for as long as it takes.

Either way, lots and lots of trumper tears are in our future. Might as well have fun with it. God wanted trump to live so he could lose to Kamala.