For the doubters..... Take a look around you... Think back 5 months....

Whispers's Avatar
January 13th ..... Still Looking, Rocker Rick and I (yes Rocker Rick) had decided to take things to a new level in San Antonio......

I've decided for some of these tasks I will need "minions" Originally Posted by Whispers
What can I say.... We were bored....

All of this show-boating is just going to make your faceplant-fails all the more

The longer you postpone this inevitable fail, the greater the let-down for your audience, the louder your thud, and the harder I'm going to laugh.

I guess what I'm trying to say is make sure that your Bulldog bark dosen't overload your puppy dog asses
Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
SKF did not care much for me back then..... Hell,,, we had not seen eye to eye on many things for years

Savak was not on board yet.
so I guess its safe to say that with February just around the corner, you're now prepping this board for your next round of eccie-style yaranaika Originally Posted by savak

March 25th..... things had changed a bit.....

What's coming? More videos? Yay! Originally Posted by fluffy kitten




A city in turmoil?

A Goddess disgraced? Originally Posted by Whispers
Shortly after that "setup" by RockerRick playing the part of Fluffy_Kitten he was boxed in by JJ and was whisked away to be brainwashed... (they seem to have done a hell of a job)

The die hard non believers had come out to play...

No Goddess has been disgraced, much to your dismay! All I've seen is bunch of fucktards, myself included, slinging shit at each other! Originally Posted by Louigi

And some had begun to open their eyes and look around.....

Goddess is a stretch. the best she can hope to achieve is sainthood.

when she comes back, she can try to speak up again, she'll put her foot in her mouth again, if all goes well she'll get perma-banned, then her wks will hold a vote to canonize her. Originally Posted by savak

Go ahead..... Take a moment.....

Take a look around.....

What do you think?

Was it delivered?

Your MOD staff has come to learn that the forums belong to the members..... Not to them.

Many of you have come to learn that words on a screen can have far more effect that you ever imagined.....

Maybe y'all missed the comments 6 months back how I had listened for years to people that blamed me for running off all the ladies and destroying the community in Austin..... I didn't feel it was right I could get all that credit.... AS I recall... I had a little help....

So I got Rocker Rick and Still Looking to buy into the idea that turning San Antonio upside down would be entertaining.... Could a couple of guys with a keyboard take a community apart?

And entertaining it has been.....

At the end of the day too many of you forget this is just a SHMB and not your life.... It is a source of information as well as entertainment. If you DON'T know what SHMB stands for.... it's part of your problem....

Somewhere in between the chaos of today and the mindless "Matrix" like place it was at the end of the year is a new community waiting to be reborn.....

Y'all are some crazy fucks..... as well as some really fun ones....there are a bunch of you I want to meet and have a beer with.....

I made a comment that San Antonio was rather bland at one time.... Y'all did not have any "bad boys"... too many were afraid to speak their minds.....

Along the way a few voices here decided to speak up and out..... I think you have a decent mix of people as well as a few that have learned that they can stay within the guidelines while questioning the "establishment".......oh.. . and that closing threads is a NoNo....

Rickyboy.... Still Looking..... Hey..... I told you it would be entertaining.....

Dirk, Hiker, SKF, Savak and others.... Welcome to what I've been told is called "The Houston Effect" ... Don't ask me to explain it.... I'm still trying to get a handle on it myself....

If any of you want to have a beer..... Friday... Noon.. Yellow Rose.... Beer is on me.... Rickyboy... Slave.... Come have a drink and leave what's on this board exactly where it belongs.... ON the board.....

I got some work to do......

and a job interview in someplace called "upstate New York"... some sort of remodeling gig......

Good Night San Antonio!

flinde's Avatar
if we are lucky you will be off remodeling love canal. I'm sure you are not a whack job, its just your posts that are looneytoon. that keyboard needs an interlock device.

ta dum

thank you very much. I'll be here all week.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Trolls, stalkers, REJECTS.

Yep, that's quite the band of merry misfits you've assembled.

At least a few had enough sense to abandon ship along the way.

Done nothing more than make an ass of yourself. Something you never fail to do.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar

If any of you want to have a beer..... Friday... Noon.. Yellow Rose.... Beer is on me.... Rickyboy... Slave.... Come have a drink and leave what's on this board exactly where it belongs.... Originally Posted by Whispers
Does anyone have a white flag he can borrow?

(Something to do with a lost revenue stream?)
sms918's Avatar
The Houston effect, not the Whisper effect.

I would have assumed with your ego, you would give yourself the credit.

Maybe take a look around you and think back to when you actually liked the Hobby, the Providers, and the other Hobbyists. Like so many on here, your supposed to friendly in person. I assume you must have enjoyed this board for the women at one time, I'm sure if you think back far enough you can remember.

Life is way too short to take this or yourself so seriously. Some of these posts sound like a cartoon evil genius and his plans to take over the world.
Beagle's Avatar
Wait, what's real? What's staged?
spaceman181's Avatar
"Taking things to a new level". Is that what you call it?
  • Laz
  • 06-11-2014, 10:11 AM
I am simply amazed that you actually take pride in this. You created an environment here where the crap Rick is pulling is acceptable. Makes no sense to me. I wish you would have stuck to addressing valid issues and skipped the encouraging of all this drama created by lies and half truths.
Whispers reminds me of the character in lord of the rings. The longer he wore the ring (in our case the longer he is on the board ) the less he resembled his former self.
I must admit that, prior to Whispers, I would have been banned for some of the shit I say today. Now I don't even get points or a warning. Maybe that's good, or maybe that's bad. Just sayin......
Still Looking's Avatar
I'm here for the "classic" mod service LMFAO I called Ripley's to see how many points Rockerick would have fetched if he was being given points and they fucking couldn't believe it!
swwaustin's Avatar
...I am showing you the only thing he cares about so you can leverage it against him to regain your fair city...

...He will always run away because he doesn't want it to stop the donations.... Originally Posted by rockerrick

...Good Night San Antonio... Originally Posted by Whispers
Was it really that easy to get Whispers to hang the Mission Accomplished banner?
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Was it really that easy to get Whispers to hang the Mission Accomplished banner? Originally Posted by swwaustin
RR must have something. He on the run.
I think he went to go play Hello Kitty Island adventure and join their forums.
Whispers's Avatar
Who's on the run?