One Word Link??

Wow. So I TOTTALLY forgot the formula for a one word url link. I use to have them everywhere all over my ads and signature. I've been searching on the internet and youtube and nothing is working ....

Could someone please be helpful and place the simple form in a comment? This is so aggravating trying these formulas and codes that don't work for the past few weeks, I'm almost tempted to offer a free session to whomever puts a CORRECT hypertext link form up.

Thanks in advance
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-12-2014, 06:45 PM
Enter this...

[URL=URL of Web Page]Link Label[/URL]

For example...


[]Fox News[/URL]

Will produce this...

Fox News

Nothing to it.
Aww thanks sugar! Ez parcheezee