For sure they enjoy arguing in a circle. Each pounding out their mantra. Sometimes degrading into dogma. In religion, usually people pick up their beliefs from their parents. Some will break away such as a Jew becoming a Christian or a Catholic becoming a Muslim. I've witnessed this when someone has been beat over the head with the Bible or they have seen what they believe is great hypocrisy.
I don't see this in politics. Sure their parents have some influence but not near as much as religious beliefs. Professors, peers, music?
Both sides of the political spectrum spews out studies, statistics, (Anyone remember 101?).
They don't appear to even glance at their opponent's points. They are arming up with a rebuttal before they receive a response to their last volley.
I would ask the Liberals.
- What is wrong with conservatism?
I would ask the Conservatives.
- What is wrong with liberalism?
I'm confident that each of them are well aware of what the other side stands for and what they hate about it. I believe it must be more complicated than one side believes that “People should pull themselves up by the boot straps.” or “Not everyone can pull themselves up by the boot straps.”