Some things never go out of Style

I think everyone has missed the point.
What man wants a woman to give him sex because it's her duty? That to me sounds so UNSEXY. If I were a man, I would want a woman that loves sex and wants to pleasure me because it is her DESIRE to do so not because she HAS to. If I were teaching that class, I would instruct the women to explore their own bodies and learn to enjoy the sensation of touch. I would tell them to love their husbands and trust them so completely that giving their bodies to their husband would be easy and not a chore. I think it is a nature tendency for a woman to WANT to please a man, but when you make it an order that has to be followed you take all that away and you create fridged women.
As for the topic at hand, I turn into a pumpkin at midnight. My philosophy is if you fill him up with a nice dinner chock full of comfort food, he will be asleep with a smile on his face shortly thereafter... call me old fashioned... I'm just saying, to quote an old friend, "there's a southern accent where I come from."

Why do you think Paula Deen has such a big wedding ring? I'm just saying... Originally Posted by AidanMacKenna
From the woman who considers crawfish comfort food
From the woman who considers crawfish comfort food Originally Posted by Conundrum
Still harassing women, DEAR_JOHN ?