Biden's Unity Problem

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Biden can't make bipartisanship great again: Republicans already rejecting peace offer

Trump's voters may never accept the reality of his defeat. Why does Joe Biden expect reason can reach them?

By Heather Digby Parton

December 9, 2020 2:30PM (UTC)

Right after this year's election, Politico sponsored a 2020 Voters Priority survey that showed just how shockingly divided the country really is. On virtually every issue, Republicans and Democrats are polar opposites, with eight out of 10 respondents claiming to have "lost respect for the other side" and nearly 75% of respondents saying they cannot trust members of the other party. A majority of survey respondents even said they wouldn't want their child to marry someone from the opposing party, that they wouldn't hire someone from the other party and that they believed the other party was literally ruining the country.

In this poll, as in earlier surveys, 79% of Trump voters refuse to accept the result of the election, agreeing that "illegal voting and fraud stole this election." More than half of Trump voters even claim that their own vote was not accurately counted.

Despite the apparent widespread distrust, however, large numbers of respondents from both parties insist that they want the Congress to work together in a bipartisan fashion. Nearly 70% of Trump voters and 76% of Biden voters say that the best leaders "reach across the aisle to make compromises." Even 48% of Trump voters (who think Biden stole the election) say that congressional Republicans should seek compromises and work with the new administration.

As disorienting as this may appear, it isn't all that unusual.
Polling repeatedly shows that it wants bipartisanship and compromise. People reliably affirm that they are sick of partisan fighting. But considering the scorched-earth practices of the GOP and the perennial anger among the base of the Democratic Party for its failure to "fight back," I have long suspected that what people really mean by compromise is for the other side to give in and do it their way. Bipartisanship is just a way of describing a surrender by your political opponents, where they sign on to your ideas. There just isn't a lot of "give" on either side these days.

Nostalgia for the old style of bipartisan compromise that was made possible because the two parties were ideologically diverse, with liberals and conservatives on both sides, is still with us. You'll often hear pundits and historians wax on about how the parties would battle by day but that at night former House speaker Tip O'Neill would go down to the White House and hoist a Scotch with President Reagan after work. , but if it was ever true, it hasn't been that way for a long time.

Still, Joe Biden expressly promised to unify the country and went so far as to say he thought that after Trump left office Republicans would have and they could all work together for the sake of the country. He's a very optimistic guy — before the 2012 election too. It didn't work out the way he expected.

Like Barack Obama before him, Biden ran on the idea that he could bring people together. It made political sense to do it. Many people are horrified by Trump's divisiveness and yearn for someone who can calm things down and get things done. A veteran politician who knows how Washington works and gets along with everyone sounded awfully good to many people after this Trump clown show. Given Biden's experience under Obama (and simply observing the cynical behavior of GOP officials under Trump), it's hard to imagine he actually believes that, but maybe he truly sees himself as some sort of national healer.

As Salon's Igor Derysh on Tuesday, Biden is making good on his promise to reach out to Republicans by appointing Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., to head a new White House Office of Public Engagement. Richmond characterizes part of his role as serving as a "conduit straight into the White House for American corporations" — which is not exactly the kind of "unity" Biden's base voters were looking for.

But Richmond also said he will create a position that will reach out to conservatives as well because Biden's team were "not elected just to help Democrats or urban cities or minorities." That's true enough. Biden has said many times that he will be the president of all of America, not just those who voted for him, which is as it should be. Unlike Trump, who punished the states that didn't vote for him and lavished attention on those that did, presidents have an obligation to serve the whole country. Frankly, Democratic agendas have always been meant to benefit their own voters no more than those who despise them, whether it's social welfare programs like Social Security and Medicare or the Affordable Care Act, labor laws and safety regulations. Biden's agenda will do the same, even though the Republicans will fight him with everything they have.

But if anyone still seriously believes "the fever" is going to break soon or that Mitch "Grim Reaper" McConnell is going to have an epiphany and help Biden pass that agenda, they need to think again. Remember, that poll that showed people want bipartisanship also showed that nearly 80% of Republicans believe that the election was stolen.

Trump has already convinced tens of millions of his voters that Biden is an illegitimate winner, and the current president's collaborators in the Republican Party are doing nothing to disabuse them of that idea. After all, .

As for "reaching out" to the Republican base, good luck.

Richmond's announcement was not exactly welcomed in right-wing circles:
Matthew Sheffield@mattsheffield

This vicious Townhall reaction to news that Joe Biden and @RepRichmond are planning an outreach effort to average Republicans shows why bypassing the noxious right wing media machine is the way to do it. GOP elites' hold on their voters is dependent on gaslighting them 24/7.

11:15 AM · Dec 8, 2020
In some respects I can understand this. It can feel condescending for the winner to assume that the other side wants to make nice when it's still smarting from a defeat. But right-wing pundits or columnists aren't really the problem. As the New York Times reported on Tuesday, the threats from Trump's supporters are growing:
Supporters of the president, some of them armed, gathered outside the home of the Michigan secretary of state Saturday night. Racist death threats filled the voice mail of Cynthia A. Johnson, a Michigan state representative. Georgia election officials, mostly Republicans, say they have received threats of violence. The Republican Party of Arizona, on Twitter, twice called for supporters to be willing to "die for something" or "give my life for this fight."
In Idaho, public health officials had to call off a Zoom meeting because protesters were pounding on the doors of their homes. And this stuff is just the tip of the iceberg. People are being threatened all over the country and it's a miracle that something terrible hasn't happened already.

Trump may have lost the legal battle and will lose institutional power within a few weeks. But the danger won't pass anytim soon, because the GOP establishment sees benefit in leveraging this incoherent rage to sabotage what they're essentially claiming will be an illegitimate Democratic presidency. Biden can initiate all the outreach he wants but I don't think GOP officials could put that genie back in the bottle if they wanted to. And they have made it very clear that they don't want to.

Heather Digby Parton

Heather Digby Parton, also known as "Digby," is a contributing writer to Salon. She was the winner of the 2014 Hillman Prize for Opinion and Analysis Journalism.
MORE FROM Heather Digby Parton
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Nice problem for Biden to have. lol.
My response to anything regarding this matter is........”fuck that lying sack of shit Joe Biden”
LexusLover's Avatar
Nice problem for Biden to have. lol. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That's the least of Bitten's "problems"!

He will resign in exchange for the customary Presidential "retirement package" including 24/7 security with an office/museum to boot paid by civilian contributions from the Big Money Guys.

Most particularly if the Republicans hold a majority in the Senate, although there may be an effort to retain him as long as publicly feasible in an effort to help with a hostile Senate.

Bitten is a "zero" as far as digits go.

The fools who voted AGAINST TRUMP instead of "for" someone ...

... got President Kumola!

WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-14-2020, 07:29 AM
My response to anything regarding this matter is........”fuck that lying sack of shit Joe Biden” Originally Posted by Jackie S
Which is the exact same response the left had to your boy, Trumpie.

Part of the job.

Joe is an idiot for even thinking about reaching out to you.

He should not try a unite this country...he should put his foot on the throat of Trumpers and do his best to snuff out their future political aspirations.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
His heart is in the right place.

Unfortunately, he’s trying to appeal to brain dead ignorant Nazi jerkweeds who still believe Trump won in a landslide.

Glad Townhall is keeping us all up to dare. Thanks BP for your Monday rage whining.

Fuck those guys.
winn dixie's Avatar
His heart is in the right place.

Unfortunately, he’s trying to appeal to brain dead ignorant Nazi jerkweeds who still believe Trump won in a landslide.

Glad Townhall is keeping us all up to dare. Thanks BP for your Monday rage whining.

Fuck those guys. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What does bp stand for yssup? Is that an abbreviation for an insult? Or even a forbidden topic?
Please explain yourself sir?
Levianon17's Avatar
Nice problem for Biden to have. lol. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Biden is too dumb to bring people together. He's preoccupied with family problems, his Son and his brother are under Criminal Investigation. The American public is the farthest thing from this idiots mind.
Lol. Soon to be "President" Biden
,and other smart people in the room (bout time we have smart people back), are well aware how stupid the Trump heads are. Twit head in chief of ignorant has made the stupid gop even more stupid. Who knew that was possible???
Which is the exact same response the left had to your boy, Trumpie.

Part of the job.

Joe is an idiot for even thinking about reaching out to you.

He should not try a unite this country...he should put his foot on the throat of Trumpers and do his best to snuff out their future political aspirations. Originally Posted by WTF
The huge difference is the Dirt Bag Democrats and their willing lackeys in the MSM simply made up shit about President Trump. One lie after another. All proven to be one big hoax after another.

Biden’s shit is real. He has been selling out to various countries for decades. The MSN refused to report on any of his and that piece of shit Son of his escapades.

But it will all come out. Biden will be forced to resign.

Then, we have Willy Brown’s Sugar Baby as President.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-14-2020, 08:20 AM
Biden is too dumb to bring people together. He's preoccupied with family problems, his Son and his brother are under Criminal Investigation. The American public is the farthest thing from this idiots mind. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Why should he try a bring a bunch of Trump loons to the party?

If he was smart, he'd pardon Hunter and have his AG go after Trump and family. Cut the head off the snake.

That is what Trump tried to get another country to do for him and he got impeached.

My guess is NY state will take care of Trump for Biden
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-14-2020, 08:24 AM
The huge difference is the Dirt Bag Democrats and their willing lackeys in the MSM simply made up shit about President Trump. One lie after another. All proven to be one big hoax after another.

Biden’s shit is real. He has been selling out to various countries for decades. The MSN refused to report on any of his and that piece of shit Son of his escapades.

But it will all come out. Biden will be forced to resign.

Then, we have Willy Brown’s Sugar Baby as President. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Ih yea...your guy was lily white. The other guy a crook.

Unfortunately for you the voters did not see it that way.

They saw Clinton as more crooked in 2016 and Trump won....after 4 years they saw Trump more crooked than Biden.

Trump beat himself. All he had to do was follow the science and encourage people to wear masks.
adav8s28's Avatar

Trump beat himself. All he had to do was follow the science and encourage people to wear masks. Originally Posted by WTF
You're right. Instead of following the science. Trump gave us.

"It's just one guy from China"
"We have 16 cases now that will go to zero"
"Everyone can get a test. It's a beautiful test"
"It will just go away like magic"
"When the snow starts to melt in April the virus will go dormant."
"Maybe the doctors could try to inject a disinfectant into a CV19 patient sort of like a cleaning"
"I would wear a mask if I thought it was important"

Donald Trump
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-14-2020, 09:17 AM
You're right. Instead of following the science. Trump gave us.

"It's just one guy from China"
"We have 16 cases now that will go to zero"
"Everyone can get a test. It's a beautiful test"
"It will just go away like magic"
"When the snow starts to melt in April the virus will go dormant."
"Maybe the doctors could try to inject a disinfectant into a CV19 patient sort of like a cleaning"
"I would wear a mask if I thought it was important"

Donald Trump Originally Posted by adav8s28
Trump kept shooting himself in the foot...dumb SOB almost got himself killed by catching it himself!

He decided to hold super spreaders events.

He is really the second coming of Jim Jones....his followers on here all would go to a rally maskless. Let God decide!
Levianon17's Avatar
Lol. Soon to be "President" Biden
,and other smart people in the room (bout time we have smart people back), are well aware how stupid the Trump heads are. Twit head in chief of ignorant has made the stupid gop even more stupid. Who knew that was possible??? Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Yeah right, Smart people voting for a dumb ass, that's absolutely brilliant, lol.