Biden Prediction: Out On A Limb

ICU 812's Avatar
I will stick my neck out, then go out on a limb (to mix metaphors):

Biden's presidency will last less than 2 years. It will probably be shorter than 18 months.

It is entirely speculation on my part, but I think that Biden didn't want to get into the race before the primary season but was talked into it late by promises that after the election, he could drop out, resigning for health reason. I really think he has age-related cognitive issues. It happened to President Reagan. It is obviously happening to Senator Feinstein.

Now it looks like hBiden will in fact be sworn in along with Harris in Feb. But it is my guess (and only my guess) that he is liking the idea of being The President Of The United States. So now the behind-the-scenes power brokers are laying the groundwork to have him forced to resign, either for health reasons or for some corruption involving His son and/or brother perhaps involving China.

OK, so this reads a bit like Grishem novel, but who would hve bought a script based on the events of 2019-2020?
bambino's Avatar
I’m thinking it will be 3 months of seated as POTUS.
rexdutchman's Avatar
2 months or less hell they got plan b ready ,
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
They have plan B in effect.
If Nancy has her way plan C will work if active before Kumala has a new VP approved.
matchingmole's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So, mm.
You don't want Nancy in charge?
winn dixie's Avatar
With the way he coughed last night he may not make it to jan 20th!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Resignation, impeachment, 25th amendment, death. Lots to pick from but considering what just happened, the biggest dis-information campaign by the Democrats, MSM and Tech. to get Biden elected, they will go all out to keep him there as long as possible.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
With the way he coughed last night he may not make it to jan 20th! Originally Posted by winn dixie
you know I mentioned this last week or so in another thread.. about what if on biden dying before he gets sworn in. I didn't get an answer tho.

if he dies, does this mean kamala gets to be president? this would be unprecedented for an alleged winning dead candidate.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^ she wasn't elected potus soooo I don't know what happens ,