what happened???

Been out of the game for 3 years and I have comeback to girls that are waaaayyyyyyyy paranoid. Even newbie friendly girls are busting my balls because its been 3 years since my last "okay". wtf, did i go to the police academey and become special services to crack the case of the money in exchange for fun case? One girl referenced that something happened or is happening, what happened? and yes, i do live under a rock.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Backpage was shut down.. FOSTA-SESTA happened.. ECCIE went offline for 70 days last year.

those are 3 important things that occurred while you were away.. the environment is not the same as 3 years ago.
well shit! that sux....I'll look up fosta sesta, thank you sir
oh man, fosta sesta, yikes. I mean, I dont want girls to have to be slaves....
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
No backpage. Lots of other escort sites have closed down.

SESTA is the worst thing to happen in this world in a very long time.

Houston has been having busts and stings on a consistent basis for the past few years.

Dallas, after years of feeling spoiled and not having to worry overly much (still screened but Dallas was relatively cool if you kept your nose clean), is now experiencing issues with law enforcement.

The weird guys are coming out of the wood work.

And many of the more established clients are realizing the they can play women more these days then before.

I feel for the younger sex workers coming into this world.


Changes abound and all of them negative.

Which is a damn shame.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
EW has an excellent synopsis above.
My added point is that this is not just Houston/Dallas. Same issues in my turf Missouri/Kansas and also Mid-Atlantic states off to east. Thus, really nationwide.
I'm glad I have a semi-permanent dance card of friends.
omg this is all awfull. stings??? jeez. Vice cops have no souls
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... Vice cops have no souls Originally Posted by Mawilton1@gamil.com
They're just doing their jobs.

My few encounters with the grouping, and it's all been unpleasant, all have acted professionally and with honor.

Although I've heard some horror stories that have been completely believable as well.

Either way, that's not the point. You asked why ladies were screening more diligently these days and think you got your answer!!!

Best regards,
KalyEscort's Avatar
fosta-sesta happened.
NaughtyMaddy's Avatar
The government is what happened.
GypsyHeart's Avatar
Honey, do not take it personally. As a guy I would prefer to see lady who is paranoid about safety.

If you could only see some of our messages that we get. Threats. Name calling. General eeeww wtf.