New Years Eve...

So I have been asking people of all kinds what their big plans are for bringing in 2011!!! So what are you guys and gals plans?

I, myself is having a friend over to my new home and we are going to be cooking Delmonico steaks and lobster tails. Mmm and of course some fine wine, lots of laughter and watching tv for the night until 2011 comes!!

Where will you be?

  • Maybe an over-night with an ATF?
  • Out at the local bar/pup/restaurant
  • Over to a family members house
  • Hanging out at home, low key
So far, the majority of people I have asked, has all said they will be at home this year. Seems like not too many want to go out and take the risk of driving later on in the evening, well early morning.

Whatever any of you end up choosing, please be safe and have a wonderful New Year!! I'll be thinking of each and every one of you that I have met and enjoyed time with, will continue to see in 2011 and to all the ladies and gents I haven't met yet, Hopefully 2011 will bring us a closer!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
dreaming of boating past a ship in the night. pray she will call. if not call another.
Hanging out at home, very low key
brutusbluto's Avatar
Staying home maybe staying awake long enough to see the ball drop....or maybe not!
jamesm637119's Avatar
Home alone real low key at 10:00 pm I will be sleeping wow look out 2011 lol.
qixerotic's Avatar
Dinner party with 16 friends coming over. Lots of wine, good food (beef tenderloin with mushrooms and port wine reduction), steamed cranberry pudding with hard sauce, then champagne and sleeping in. See you all in '11
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-31-2010, 06:24 AM
Where will you be?

Maybe an over-night with an ATF? Originally Posted by BrookeButtons
If only.....
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 12-31-2010, 07:16 AM
Wishful Thinking: Spend New Years Eve with my ATF, Dinner, drinks, party & overnight. HAPPY NEW YEAR - YES!, YES!, YES!

Reality: Out to dinner with family, champagne at midnight.
Love this... I may just steal it for my tag line

Seems like you all have the same consenus of staying home and keeping it low key. I hear allot of you on the hopefully staying up til midnight but probably not part. I am normally in bed by 10pm!! Looks like I'll need some extra coffee today to keep my self awake.

Can't wait to see you all tomorrow After all it is the new year
  • Chloe
  • 12-31-2010, 08:25 AM

Oh Brooke if you only knew where that line came from!!!!
Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus!
jamesm637119's Avatar
Brooke and Chloe love love your Avatars I will sleep good now that I see them lol happy new year all and god bless.
Well Happy New Year All!!!!!!!! hope the size and color doesn t blind you!!!!
We (me and my 2 youngens) will be eating pizza till it comes outa our ears..wii en it..and drink cherry drinks and ( wine) and not them. I wish you the very best new years and i hope the very best for you and your family!!!!!muah!!! Merry freaking Happy New Year!!!!!!nita!!
I remember back in the Day when it was driving the ElDo up to Buffalo for dinner at Salvatore's Italian Gardens, with Russ seating my date, and pouring the first of several bottles of wine that we never seemed to have put on our bill, enjoying a wonderful meal (chateubriand for two) and a little Courvoisier afterwards, then over to the Executive Inn , and up the stairs to the VIP Lounge in the 747, as guests of J.C., to ring in the new year with assorted Buffalo Bills, and Sabres players among the guests, then spending a wonderful steamy night in a suite at the Inn with a scantily clad, incredibly erotic woman (that I foolishly let get away sometime back in the late 70's) followed by breakfast at Planes and Aces, before the drive home the next afternoon.

Tonight, I am sitting with a cold Sam Adams, after making a fast dinner of some nice baked ham, cornbread and a salad. My wife is in her PJ's and curled up on the couch downstairs, but she will head for bed before it hits 8:30PM, like most nights. I might even have a second beer, watch a little TV or read, and worry about my kids getting home safely. At midnight, my phone will ring, scaring the hell out of me, when my oldest daughters call or , more likely, text "Happy New Years", which will be the most exciting thing that happens.

Not that this is all bad, and I wouldn't trade my kids for anything, but once in a while, I sure would like to be able to let it out of it's cage.

Happy New Year, everyone, be careful tonight, and every night!
sunfish's Avatar
  • Chloe
  • 12-31-2010, 06:54 PM
Sitting at home curled up on the couch with a cup of hot tea and a good movie I know SO exciting huh? LOL It's exactly where I want to be and what I want to be doing though!