Poll: STD's from BBBJ

  • Tiny
  • 11-22-2011, 07:11 PM
This question is for men only. Votes are private -- this poll will NOT display users who voted.
London Rayne's Avatar
Uhhh there is NO poll....
Hmmm... this seems eerily familiar...
  • Tiny
  • 11-22-2011, 07:26 PM
Hmmm... this seems eerily familiar... Originally Posted by sketchball82
Has it been on the site in the form of a poll? If so please let me know and I'll delete the post. Otherwise I'd be interested in the results, if enough people would vote. You read the health literature and it says you can get all kinds of nasty things from being fellated. But as I think London put it, why are there so many people doing it, and not BBFS, if it's really a big risk?
Soonerman12's Avatar
The golden rule is to never do anything to get caught.. I can't understand why hobbyist expose themselves to STD's that they can bring back to their wives and girlfriends. Passing an STD to your girlfriend or wife can equal a lawsuit!
pyramider's Avatar
I wonder how many got a STD from the SO.
London Rayne's Avatar
The golden rule is to never do anything to get caught.. I can't understand why hobbyist expose themselves to STD's that they can bring back to their wives and girlfriends. Passing an STD to your girlfriend or wife can equal a lawsuit! Originally Posted by Soonerman12

OR...your weenie being cut off or being shot in the head.
Soonerman12's Avatar

OR...your weenie being cut off or being shot in the head. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Had a girl once try to run over me with a car for breaking up with her.. The attempted murder thing was bad.. But having a weenie cut off would be worse! Never had that done.
London Rayne's Avatar
You "broke but" with her...how does one do that lol.
  • Tiny
  • 11-22-2011, 08:00 PM
You "broke but" with her...how does one do that lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Breaking butt is like breaking bread together. It's a very intimate act you perform with a loved one. You both eat a high fiber diet for several days, strip down naked, and then kneel side-by-side with your rear ends held high in the air and pass gas.
London Rayne's Avatar
That just has "fail" written all over it.
Why cut the man's penis off? Act like everything's all good and give him a nice sensious blowjob..get it all nice and hard, then excuse yourself to the restroom to get a hair clip to pin up your hair, while in the restroom get a good amount of hot sauce in your mouth, come back out (with your hair pinned up), and attack his dick with the hot sauce in your mouth aggressively go down on him, but make sure you get all the hot sauce to go down his pee-hole.
Still Looking's Avatar
Breaking butt is like breaking bread together. It's a very intimate act you perform with a loved one. You both eat a high fiber diet for several days, strip down naked, and then kneel side-by-side with your rear ends held high in the air and pass gas. Originally Posted by Tiny
Opps, how did I get into Another Realm? Sorry my bad!
Soonerman12's Avatar
You "broke but" with her...how does one do that lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
lol.. don't respond to posts while talking on the phone!
burkalini's Avatar
Breaking butt is like breaking bread together. It's a very intimate act you perform with a loved one. You both eat a high fiber diet for several days, strip down naked, and then kneel side-by-side with your rear ends held high in the air and pass gas. Originally Posted by Tiny

I thought I have heard of most kinks.. I just found out I don't know shit.