-ism Preference

Those who answer can indicate (or not) to which -ism they are referring.

This question was posted elsewhere, but was quickly drowned out by noise. Trying again this way. Sorry for the repetition and redundancy...
Bowden's Avatar
My question is who cares. I go to see a provider to have a good time. I would rather not know what her personal beliefs are.
My question is who cares. I go to see a provider to have a good time. I would rather not know what her personal beliefs are. Originally Posted by Bowden
It would have to be an -ism that affects you personally. So, if a provider doesn't see hobbyists who don't care about providers' personal beliefs or hobbyists who like to have a good time, that would be an -ism that affects you.

Just explaining to those who might not understand the question.
Bowden's Avatar
I guess I'm confused on what you are looking for in your poll. I thought Providers see hobbist for their cash and hobbist see providers for their skills and body's. Clicking with a provider is good but you don't have to know their deep personal beliefs or politics to have a great time.
Still Looking's Avatar
How about a few ISMS examples? Maybe that will kick start this bad boy! LOL
dwl318's Avatar
what she thinks about her belief in a god or no god or all powerful or angle has nothing to do with why i am seeing her or why she is doing what she is doing . nuff said
think she was religious said "thank god you are here"
Bowden's Avatar
think she was religious said "thank god you are here" Originally Posted by ekim008
Jack Horner's Avatar
I took this to mean sexual fetishisms, not ideological beliefs. Some 'isms' like sadism, masochism, and transvestism I would like to know before I even contact the provider. Frankly, I don't want to wait until I open the door to find out a provider is a sadistic transvestite. I'd want to know if a provider was a TV/TS before screening. That's a big one. Other kinks and fantasies might be a turn-on and would heighten the experience.

Ideological 'isms' to me are relevant to the experience but are not likely to be a deal-breaker. I like to know a provider's philosophy and it helps me relate to her as a whole person. Some have resulted in interesting and at times heated conversations before, during and after sessions. I've met providers who were communists, fascists, anarchists, libertarians, conservatives, liberals, christians, atheists, jewish, buddhist, taoist, pagan, mormon, hindu and (sufi) muslim. I've had wonderful experiences with providers who were diametrically opposed to my ideological beliefs and have been with providers who are completely aligned with me politically and gave me lousy service. These are notable exceptions and the general rule is that providers who are ideologically repressive and dogmatic are also somewhat rigid and programmatic in their services.

Where was the original thread?
Pink Floyd's Avatar
As long as they are not into necrophilia I don't give a shit about their ism as long as it is not barbarism.
Thanks all,

I overestimated the clarity of the question and underestimated the density of the audience.

The question is not whether you approve or do not approve of a provider's -isms. It's not about your rapport with a provider. It's not about a provider not seeing others.

Here is the question re-phrased:

If a provider YOU want to see will not see YOU because of her -ism, at what level would you want to know this information (her -ism)?

And, some examples...

If a provider won't see me because of my empty wallet, I would want to know about her capital-ism at the ad level. So far, they've been pretty up-front about this.

If a provider won't see dumbasses, that might be intellectual-ism.

If a provider won't see smartasses, that might be anti-intellectual-ism.

The specific -ism doesn't matter. The questions is when do YOU want to know about her -ism when it affects YOU.