So what's going on?

Doglegg's Avatar
So I've been in this thing of ours for awhile, some 2-3 yrs, maybe more, and I can count on one hand the number of providers I have seen BCD.

I've written reviews, read reviews, met providers at PA (provider anonymous) meetings, and as such have found some very interesting ladies that could be very nice experiences, but I just haven't tried to make that connection.

What's going on?

Is it a fear of being disappointed? A couple of experiences were less than stellar, chalked it up to normal 'just didn't click thing'.

The others were good experiences but not mind numbing.

That then gets me to thinking that I'm missing out on something, maybe I'm not getting the same treatment or that I am not doing my part for the provider.

Any insight on this?
WetVelvetSAT's Avatar
I know I have flirted with you in numerous post on various sites but haven't had the pleasure (or should I say, I don't want to ruin the fantasy) to meet you!

All I can say is just keep doing what you are doing and be patient, you just haven't met the right one yet!
(ex...right now on the's me, you, me, me, me, ......ahehhe I had to laugh when I saw that ..aheheh lol )

Have fun!

Doglegg's Avatar
I guess we are the night owls. Watching My Ghost Stories and cruising the posts.

Have you had experiences where things didn't seem to go as well as you had hoped or where you felt the client had been not quite satisfied or something might have been missing?

And thanks for the reply.
What are you looking for? Maybe your expectations are too high. We are all very different. Some people are here for the orgasm. Others are here for the companionship. All have their reasons and no two reasons are the same. You should dig inside and see what it is you are missing in order to fulfill your need.
Doglegg's Avatar
Don't know what I'm seeking and yes, expectations could be too high especially when I don't know what I'm looking for. As such, can my expectations be met?
Just go bury that dog, Dogg !!

And then let's get some girls together and have a bunch of dirty martinis ! Lol

ps: the avatar is awesome !
Doglegg's Avatar
May get to meet you at the titties for Tuesday meeting of Providers Anonymous and can get a couple of dirties and martinis.

Did someone say "Dirty Martinis?" I'm actually having one right now! (lol) I decided to bypass the festivities this weekend...get to bed at a decent time so I can watch the games tomorrow.

Dog...STOP overthinking the situation! You're either an Eye Candy guy...or someone who wants to enjoy *intimacy* or somewhere inbetween. No one says you have to *follow the crowd!* Go with your gut feeling about who YOU find attractive or more than that...interesting. Good-luck!
Doglegg's Avatar
Finally the bite I was waiting for...I was wondering if the mention of dirty martinis would bring you out, but that was another post, another board.

Eye candy, yes I've become caught up in today's marketing of 90# young adult ladies as the only thing worthy of pursuit; at the same time I also know it's udder BS.

I do like interesting, intelligent and insightful, mainly because the choice of music doesn't make my eyes bleed.

And also yes, over analysis leads to paralysis.

That could be it.

Funny Nikki, you were a subject of convo this past week. One of excellent regard.
Nikki is wise (also a wise-ass, but mostly wise). I'm mostly retired from the hobby. I haven't joined the game in a long time. It isn't that attractive anymore. I met someone that turned my world upside down and I haven't been the same since. If I do play, it is just to satisfy my animal instinct. The sad thing is that I'm not that guy (the wham, bam, thank you, ma'am type). At times I wish I had never met her. Ignorance is bliss.
Polar opposite expectations. You are looking for sex, companionship, intimacy, fantasy fulfillment or some combination. She's looking for money while hoping you are a decent guy.

I have met more than a few ladies, many of them truly nice, cool people. But I've only met a couple (so few that I could name names, but won't) where money wasn't the first and foremost thing on their mind. And that's their reality so I don't have a problem with that per se. But I don't like it when they openly act in such a manner. It's dehumanizing.

I used to see a lady with regularity. We got along; she listened. We'd grab a bite to eat occasionally. She would text me or IM, so that we became "friends". One time she was visiting me and she got incredibly drunk. So drunk that I feared for her safety and that of others when she drove home. So I told her she could stay with me that night. Her response blew me away. She said her rate for staying all night was X. Here I was trying to save her from a DUI--or worse--and she wanted me to pay her. It's not like there was going to be any action happening. I am not into drunks. Not into hungover women the next morning either. Nothing else was going to happen.

Granted, she's young and her judgement could have been impaired from the drinking. But it told me in explicit detail what she she really thought of me.

I don't know if this anecdote helps you in any way. But I wanted to let you know you are not alone in feeling disappointment.
Doglegg's Avatar
Have definitely been in the shoes of 'that guy' the first one that gets called or texted when rent is due, and then promptly forgotten until the next financial crisis falls.

My fault for saying yes rather than no and allowing myself to be used as an ATM. Stopped that one-sided relationship, and will do better to ensure no repeat performances.

I have to say that really removed some 'shine' and makes me leary of others in this 'business' and hobby.

I wonder what the value and going rate is of having a 40+ be my personal team cheerleader during one of the games today?
Make sure they cheer for Orlando so the Bulls don't catch up with us !!
Oh man! That sucks Barney.

Keep your heads up boys. A compatible one (hopefully a civilian) will show up sooner or later.
sushiguy's Avatar
Guess all the guys on here aren't the same..

I've been in those shoes Barney. Man did it suck. I'm not really sure why i'm still here or even what i'm looking for but I don't think it's a civilian.

Dog- Doing your part for the provider is a given and makes all the difference in the world. It's just common courtesy. Give and recieve dude but i'm sure you already know that.

As for me.. Welp. I just like sex. Let's see where that takes me.. LMAO

Likki, Wet- I love you both. Thanks again for welcoming me into this playground of debauchery. I'm having a great time.