private strip club

chii's Avatar
  • chii
  • 04-10-2011, 11:13 AM
how would people feel about private strip club thats invites only
just curious
Doglegg's Avatar
I'm not sure I understand the question.

I did have a private 'dance' evening a few years ago.

Fourteen phone calls with directions to get her to the house and she drives up at 10pm in a car with no muffler and a door with sprung hinges with me standing in the road waving her down to have her park in front of the neighbor's house and have her security lights illuminate my ill gotten prize.

Paid up front and found out she had brought aunt flo with her and either didn't know how to give head or just didn't like to.

Topping it off....that was my Christmas present to myself.
Normally don't do SC after that, but upon occasion when there happens to be meeting of like-minded individuals, I will go but staying away from the girlies.
If I were a business man, I'd invest my money elsewhere. I don't think my investment would pay dividends in what you are suggesting. Besides, we have one of those invite only places: The Player's Club.
chii's Avatar
  • chii
  • 04-11-2011, 09:45 AM
its not about investing i was just wondering if some has been to a place like that last i went to a place like that it was in nyc 15 years ago
rex-man's Avatar
But is players any good?
Master Betty's Avatar
Players is more swingers than strippers...hence invite only.
SAKnight1982's Avatar
Im all for it chii.