What's this fiesta ??

justjackie's Avatar
So what's the info on this fiesta that's in town?? When is it?? Where is it
Hi Jackie, welcome back to SA! Here's a link: http://www.fiesta-sa.org/

Have a good visit and have fun...if you want to go send me a pm. A few of us are talking about going to the opening of NIOSA tomorrow night and find a place to watch the Spurs game.
justjackie's Avatar
Ooooohhhhhh yes I need to do something , I'll talk it over withy travel buddy and def send you a pm. Ty that looks fun!
Fiesta is a place to go get stabbed at! I wouldn't go at night!
Precious_b's Avatar
Fiesta is a place to go get stabbed at! I wouldn't go at night! Originally Posted by Pepper_Springfield

Not the experience people expect there. Sounds like La Semana days (which are long gone.)

Personally, I don't like big crowds. But at NIOSA I am comfortable.

Sorry if you had any bad experiences there Pepper.
No, did u you see the news? Several people did get stabbed. All the ghetto are there at night, I really would not recommend that people go at night. It's sounds bad of me to say that, but it is true. Bunch of thugs.
Precious_b's Avatar
Hardly catch the news unless it is on the radio.

I use to work there years ago. Always had free passes to get in and such.
Along with the key to the only dry bath/dressing/shower room there

That is a shame. I hope it is a one off thing. That is so un-San Antonio like behavior.
It is a shame because there are some great people in San Antonio, just a few bad apples that spoil it for everyone else.
justjackie's Avatar
Omg I was gonna head over there tonight, I have changed my mind. Ty for the info
Preach Pep
PaganGuy's Avatar
I'm pretty new here myself.. this is only my second year. Went down to Market Square last year, my parents were visiting here their first time and there was Fiesta stuff going on, vendors and music and a King dude and whatnot. Otherwise, still not 100% down with it myself cept noticing the pedestrian traffic and lack of ability to park downtown sucking that much more. Left to my own devices Id check more of it out but my wife is severely crowd-phobic, and we've never been big bar/public drinkers, perferring small intimate gatherings close to or at home to realy get our buzz on. Hope everyone who partakes enjoys and everyone who doesn't is minimally inconveinenced by the whole thing.
I guess the afternoon is the better time to go. I have actually never been either.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-11-2011, 10:30 PM
I have been to NIOSA many times and have always been safe there. No issues.

Yes, La Semana was a whole different story.

Two of those stabbings did not occur near any Fiesta event. In fact, they were not even in the downtown area.
Master Betty's Avatar
Actually, the stabbings were at the carnival...which I would recommend staying away from after dark. You're most likely to get picked instead of stabbed.

NIOSA is the better event held at La Villita. Plenty of food, drinks, and cops. Best to go before Wednesday and Thursday...those are the nights with the biggest crowds.
I have heard that NIOSA is cool.