DFW- Syphilis on the rise

What's up everyone. I work in the infectious disease / healthcare sector in the DFW area and if you haven't heard, Syphilis is making a comeback lately. Not trying to be a buzzkill!! But I've had a few confirmed Primary cases. Primary meaning they had a painless open sore to their genital area. Mind you everyone here is in the hobby industry. Be careful for all those out there who both receive and perform BBBJ and obviously BBFS. My one patient had to tell his wife and she had to get treated also, you couldn't imagine the look on her face. Syphilis can be transmitted through vaginal, anal, and oral sex. You can still get syphilis when using a condom if a part of your body comes in contact with an open sore. Be safe out there!!
KittyLamour's Avatar
Can we see some statistics about this please? Graphs, charts, medical reports?

Not that I doubt you, I've heard it recently myself, I'd just like to see it in black and white from reliable sources for community benefit so it's taken seriously.
needingmilking's Avatar
Can we see some statistics about this please? Graphs, charts, medical reports?

Not that I doubt you, I've heard it recently myself, I'd just like to see it in black and white from reliable sources for community benefit so it's taken seriously. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
ah! the death of all rumors...


I do doubt the OP, but I would not be surprised if its true...
DentBick's Avatar
  • MW76
  • 09-07-2017, 05:27 AM
BBBJ is the norm on this site. Walk into any public health dept and they'll tell you BBBJ is high risk for Syphillis. But everyine on this site already knows this. Syphilis can be easily treated with a shot in the ass. We're only concerned with activities that cause HIV. So quit your preaching cowboy!
DentBick's Avatar
As has been said many times before, if you're concerned about stds, this isn't the hobby for you.
needingmilking's Avatar
Thank you, but the OP mentioned Dallas specifically.

Where is the info in Dallas?

I am sure the OP is right, but without proof, it's just rumor.
As has been said many times before, if you're concerned about stds, this isn't the hobby for you. Originally Posted by DentBick
Or you heh?
NickSaban's Avatar
Thank you Tipsy, good info
FunInDFW's Avatar
Isn't it always on the rise? Starts off wherever making its way up to your brain?
It's difficult to provide graphs and statistics because they lag behind the incoming data. I only see what walks into my clinic and hear about cases at other clinics.
BBBJ is the norm on this site. Walk into any public health dept and they'll tell you BBBJ is high risk for Syphillis. But everyine on this site already knows this. Syphilis can be easily treated with a shot in the ass. We're only concerned with activities that cause HIV. So quit your preaching cowboy! Originally Posted by MW76
Syphilis is a bacterial infection, however if not treated fast enough it can become secondary syphilis, followed by Latent Syphilis which will always be detected in your blood. So don't assume a penicillin shot will cure you. Syphilis in a way can stay in your system like herpes.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 09-07-2017, 08:38 AM
Good info
Laura Lynn's Avatar
It's on the rise enough in Dallas that www.freestdcheck.org has a billboard on 635 around Abrams or Skillman informing of a "Syphilis Tsunami".

Instead of asking for someone to provide you the information, go look it up yourself. I hear there is this thing called Google. You can magically bring up charts, graphs and plenty of data from the CDC and/or Dallas Health Dept to inform yourself.

Oh and please don't forget, HIV isn't the only thing that's not curable. Rumor has it, antibiotic resistant gonorrhea is on the rise and herpes does still exist. 😉
needingmilking's Avatar
It's difficult to provide graphs and statistics because they lag behind the incoming data. I only see what walks into my clinic and hear about cases at other clinics. Originally Posted by TipsyTipper
So a friend of a friend rumor?

I am sure what you observed is right, but one data point is not a trend.

If course is important to be careful, and of course you dont want to touch an open sore.

But to give a city wide warning with no data is just absurd...