Although I do shoot providers, I also shoot much more. Please read on
Lots of reasons to hire a photographer
Lots of choices out there to go through
So how do YOU decide who is best for you?
Personally, I say hire me and here is why!
I am one of the more creative photographers in this town. Not so much as how much I can Photoshop an image to where it no longer resembles a photograph but to what I do with what I see in front of me! Having a vision and creating an image with minimal budget means you have to make due with what's in front of you shows creativity. It comes from the mind and soul, not the wallet.
I believe in the KISS method... Keep It Simple Stupid! Just a reminder to me that photo shoots do not have to be a major production. Camera and lenses...check. Light source... check. Subject/Model... check. If I have anything else, then my job was just made that much easier! Concepts can be thought of in minutes or seconds based upon what wardrobe and props
may be available. They can also be planned in advance.
I don't use cute little PS tricks on my work. No spot coloring, no over saturation of colors. 90% of what you see of my work is what I shot with the camera, not what I manipulated it to be. Much of my work IS straight from the camera. I'm a photographer, not a PS Wizard. Hell, I don't even own Photoshop! I use LR3 to make minor tweaks.
I have extremely fast turn a round. You usually have your images within 24 hours. This is the entire shoot, not just a handful. I just delete the test shots. So you don't have to decide which ones you want cause you get them all! You get full resolution and resized.
Full size for prints as well as web size for your social networks/ads
I give out print releases upon request. I don't stick you with outrageous print packages
I shoot a wide variety of subject matter:
HS Srs
Expecting Mothers
Soccer Moms
Casual to Erotica
Clothed to Nude
Glamour to Art to Fashion
Sweet 16 to Boudoir
So yes, the same photographer who shot your boudoir photos can shoot your daughter's Sr Photos.
If none of that convinces you that you should give me a shout, then take a look at some examples of my work. Lets face it, if the work sux, then nothing else matters! Price, location, packages... none of it will be a factor if you don't like what I deliver.
So after looking at the images below, you still have questions, concerns would like a quote for YOUR needs or would like to book your shoot, I can be reached either by
Email~ or
Cell~ 214 701 8918 (no blocked calls please)
Thanks for stopping by!