no call no show ?

arkansasflyer's Avatar
I had a scheduled appointment with a provider(not here in Arkansas), but on Eccie in a different state.

The short story is she was a no call no show x2.

Do I even bother to write a neg review or no review since she never showed? just chalk it up to lesson learned?

The Long story is... I emailed a lady i was interested in a week ago. Told her i was interested in seeing her. Sent another email with refs a few days later. i called friday night, left a message and she called back in 2 minutes.
We agreed on saturday at noon. told me to text her my address at 10am. I did so. 12:30 rolls around, no call or show. i text her and get a ?

She stated her phone died and she overslept. Anyway i wanted to forget the whole matter and just forget it. but she persuades me to try again.

i tell her 7pm and again she was a no call, no show. I did not call or text her back. i had to
schedule with someone else.

Thoughts anybody?

ps totally uncharacteristic of her , from her reviews and from a pm from one of those reviewers
AF, if you do decide to write anything. Put it in the Coed section so that she can respond and explain her side. If you put it in the reviews section, the mods will move it to coed for you since no activities took place.

This does happen to everyone from time to time.
MrHappy4u's Avatar
Jim's right. Post it in the Coed section if you intend to write about it. If it's an AR provider in that part of the state who agreed to travel to you, I have a hunch I know who it is. Please PM me.
arkansasflyer's Avatar
thanks for the info. I will mull this over and post on the state site/ and forum.

One missed appointment could be a anomaly; two missed appointments is a trend! Please post your experience in the coed section and the men's lounge where the session was supposed to occur.

One last tip: Ignore the white knights.

willro's Avatar
I understand the reason for posting a NCNS in Coed instead of the Review section so the lady can defend/explain the incident, but wouldn't it be better to have it in the reviews so it will show up when a guy is researching date possibilities? I could see how I could easily miss this info when searching a provider's reviews.... especially if it was an out of state forum. Could lead to a greater chance of disappointment when playing on the road. Just my unsolicited opinion.
MrHappy4u's Avatar
While one might think it would do more damage in the review section, no activities took place, no one gets credit for the review. It's best to just put it out there for all to see.

If someone is doing thorough research, they will look for posts the provider has made or where she has been mentioned and vice versa.
i think it would be of more use to me to have it in the reviews.
bscs's Avatar
  • bscs
  • 07-24-2012, 03:26 PM
Wherever it ends up; I think a review of some sort should be done. My "free" time is way to hard to come by to be wasted on a "no show"! For this wonderful system to work properly, we all need to contribute our experiences.
arkansasflyer's Avatar
I have spread the word. Once may be a fluke.......but my time was money that weekend. I wasted some time that could have been spent at the tables or on another lady.
uca479's Avatar
I realize I am chiming in a bit late here, but I completely agree with the "time" comment... Many immature providers seem to discount OUR time. For me, the time is far more valuable than the hobby funds that I'll be spending on the session. Their last minute cancellation or NCNS is a complete waste of it.

It is VERY difficult for me to arrange my schedule (especially at home) such that I can play without fear of interruption. While I understand crap happens, basic communication skills are a must. Provided I don't feel liked I am being BS'ed, I completely understand cancellations or reschedules when given notice (heck, I've had to do it a few times).

The "day of" time investment (travel to/from, session time, etc, not including the research and original setup communications) far outweighs the hobby dollars. In my case, focusing that time in my business would yield far more than the going rate I would be spending...

Regardless and to get back on topic, I wish the powers that be would reconsider the posting of "informational / no activities" threads in the reviews section. While we could not post an actual review since nothing happened, what's wrong with posting a thread in that forum? Obviously there would be no credit received, but I'd think most guys are not looking for credit. This would allow it to come up in a quick search. I'm sure I am not alone in saying that I frequently don't have time to do extensive research - I generally rely on a quick review of the reviews section and other links on their P411 profile, etc.

Alternately, perhaps some guys who are research experts and have time on their hands could sell that service and do research for other clients... That might be a service I'd pay for provided it was done by a reliable, trustworthy resource. Just a thought...
+1, UCA479.

I also think that NCNS incidents should be posted under the offending provider's review list. Otherwise, how is there any direct accountability for unprofessional conduct?

Perhaps there should be a special section for NCNS reports, since they don't really fit into any other category.
A smart client will look several places before deciding on a companion.

1.) Eccie reviews

2.) Eccie search under the providers handle AND phone number.

3. Google search under the providers handle AND phone number

4.) P411 for rates, specials and menu.

Those are the steps I take whenever I am on the road..


I had a similar situation last Thursday. I spoke to a traveling provider last Wednesday on the telephone and explained that I was new and provided alternate screening information. I told her that I wanted to meet with her Thursday around 3:00 PM. She told me to call her at noon on Thursday and she would give me details on where to meet her. So I called her as requested. When I reminded her of our conversation, she told me she would call me when she got into town. I never heard a word from her and she would not answer my phone calls. The pisser is that I took this woman's promise to meet me and used paid time off from work to meet with her. Plus, I drove an hour to Fayetteville to meet her.

I understand that I'm the FNG and the provider needs security just as much as the client. However, my time was just as important and valuable as hers.